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by Conrad


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Libros electrónicos gratuitos para descargar en el rincón THE EDUCATION OF KAROLINE (edición en inglés)


What do you do when your plans are dashed?Do you salvage the pieces?Or forge a new dream?When Karoline Stryker cancels her wedding, she is at a loss for what to do next. She has already given up her teaching position, and 1905 Iowa offers few other opportunities for women. Reluctantly, she travels to San Francisco to help her half-brother Erik and his family, but she cant wait to return home to Iowa. Sam McGee, Eriks plant manager and close friend, thinks Karoline is snobbish and aloof until he sees her with his friends family and his opinion softens. When she begins working in Eriks office, Sam finds his attraction growing. He tries to ignore his feelings for Karoline because he knows once shes finished helping Eriks family she will go back to Iowa. Karoline discovers she likes her independence. As she spends more time with Sam, she finds that she is as drawn to him as he is to her. She lands a teaching position in California for the next school year and plans to return after spending the summer back home with her family. Then a heartbreaking disaster turns everyones lives upside down. In the aftermath, Karoline faces a huge decision. Should she return to her safe, comfortable life with her family?Or take a chance on a whole new future?

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