The "Thread World"

The "thread world" is a mysterious and incomprehensible dimension that characters like Ignus and, potentially, Saltare can access, and it appears to be connected to the source of their powers. The threads are described as being everywhere, with varying thickness and colors, some delicate and thin like silk, others thick and radiant with power, and they seem to shift in and out of focus as though part of a vast constellation. The colors include gold and vibrant green, blue like starlight rivers, and deep crimson, pulsing like a heartbeat. The thread world is not a physical place, but a dimension that one moves through by thought, drawn by the hums and pulses of the threads themselves.

Saltare's Powers and the Thread World (Saultare shortly after discovering these powers had a large story arc wrap up, and his memory was wiped of the event. He no longer knows any of this is possible. Neither does anyone else because he was alone and had no group mates at the time, his first group mate was Lig, and he lost his memory shortly after having a mental breakdown due to discovering world breaking abilities like this)

Saltare's abilities, such as telepathy and teleportation, are not mistakes but rather manifestations of him tapping into this thread world. This connection is hinted at when Saltare and Scaevus hold the Branch of Ligularia together, causing a flash of green light and a strange pull, as if the world is shifting around them. This is very similar to Ignus' experience when he is able to enter the thread world. The text suggests that when Saltare uses his mind-reading ability, it is as if he is "pulling a thread" that connects him to others, and that this connection could even reach back into moments they've already experienced.

Saltare questions if he can only be sensed when he is searching for others' thoughts, almost as if his mind-reading ability is a layer of reality. This implies the thread world has a "layer" that can be explored through his powers. He further speculates that he might be "linking" to others, not just listening, which aligns with the concept of threads connecting people. This also introduces the idea that his abilities connect across time, not just in the present.

The thread world is also described as a place where the rules of the world are tied to belief, where the world bends to one's will because they are learning its boundaries. This aligns with the idea of the thread world as a place that is beyond the normal physical world and is governed by different rules. The voice Saltare hears, which is both part of the universe and outside of it, reinforces this notion of the thread world as something that is not entirely within the characters' world.

Ignus and the Thread World

Ignus also experiences the thread world. His connection allows him to see the direction and strength or distance of others, and he can focus on the threads to hear their thoughts. Ignus's experience of the thread world also shows that other colors exist, not just the red that is associated with the system's corruption. This introduces the possibility of different kinds of glows and different aspects of the thread world, and suggests that each color is tied to a different aspect of the system. When Ignus focuses on Migi, Migi's glow shifts colors, and the cloaked figures are seen within this dimension, but fading in and out of view. This highlights the connection between individuals, their glows, and the thread world. Additionally, it is noted that Migi's connection to the thread world allows him to sense others, and that he seemed to be aware of Ignus watching him.

The other glows seem oblivious to Ignus's interaction with the thread world until Migi's shifting colors cause a subtle awareness in two of the glows. The intertwined gold and green essence of Saltare and Ligularia suggest a stable connection, hinting that they are deeply connected through the thread world.

Foreshadowing and Tension

The mention of the thread world and its connection to the characters' powers is a way of foreshadowing a bigger plot. The slow reveal of how these powers work and where they come from builds tension. The idea that Saltare's abilities are not random but tied to a deeper, more complex system introduces the concept that he is not just a character in a story but a piece of the system itself. The fact that Ignus is also able to tap into the thread world and that Migi seems to have a unique connection to it also suggests that the characters' journeys may be connected in unexpected ways.

The connection to the "dreamer" and the AI who is building the system, also adds another layer of mystery. It is also noted that "the chaos doesn't require the world," but it serves to confound the world-builders' journey. The idea of "converting" characters that do not have a glow also suggests a larger battle happening behind the scenes, one that will likely tie into the thread world and the glows of the characters.

The slow and overarching progression, with small details hinting at larger connections, helps build tension. The thread world acts as both a literal and metaphorical space to highlight these connections. Saltare, Ignus, and potentially others are slowly discovering their connection to this dimension, and that their abilities, while seemingly different on the surface, are coming from the same source. The way the thread world is described makes it clear it is an important part of the narrative, but also that it is still largely unknown to them and the reader.

The thread world is also linked to memory, destiny and choice. Saltare's ability to access past memories through the thread world, and the hints that others may be able to do the same, is important. The idea that the world is tied to belief suggests that the characters can change the world based on their perception of it, which again connects to the theme of choice and free will that is being woven into the story. The connection is also tied to the idea that all time and space connect within the thread world, making it important for future books.

In summary, the thread world is a complex and significant element in the story. It represents the source of the characters' abilities, the connection between them, and the larger mysteries of their world. The threads themselves represent the deep connections that bind everyone together, and the slow reveal of the thread world acts as a way of building tension and foreshadowing future events.