RAISED BY ANGELS (edición en inglés) leer epub MICHELLE HIGHBERGUntitled document
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Electrónica descargar ebook pdf RAISED BY ANGELS (edición en inglés) 9798227974440


Inspired by an idyllic upbringing, Just Gather cofounder, Michelle Highberg, shares on angels in the form of mentors, teachers, clergy, therapists, coaches, & community leaders.Learn about Rose Marie, a mom, futurist, artist, & teacher Learn about Carmine who continues to mentor as a grandpa, humanitarian, social worker, & servant leader. Their union inspired love in action throughout the inner cities of N.Y.Today, many earth angels help children daily to identify their gifts to heal, thrive, & GO FOR IT. A fun book to honor our past & present including those who RAISE US to grow. Learn how you make a difference through the words you share, the dreams you inspire, & your example.

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