DOWNLOAD [PDF] {EPUB} A Blessing on the Moon: A Novel by Joseph SkibellUntitled document
by Alfonso

 A Blessing on the Moon: A Novel. Joseph Skibell

A Blessing on the Moon: A Novel

ISBN: 9781616200275 | 290 pages | 8 Mb

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Joseph Skibell’s magical tale about the Holocaust—a fable inspired by fact—received unanimous nationwide acclaim when first published in 1997. At the center of A Blessing on the Moon is Chaim Skibelski. Death is merely the beginning of Chaim’s troubles. In the opening pages, he is shot along with the other Jews of his small Polish village. But instead of resting peacefully in the World to Come, Chaim, for reasons unclear to him, is left to wander the earth, accompanied by his rabbi, who has taken the form of a talking crow. Chaim’s afterlife journey is filled with extraordinary encounters whose consequences are far greater than he realizes. Not since art Spiegelman’s Maus has a work so powerfully evoked one of the darkest moments of the twentieth century with such daring originality.

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