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by Dale

 NOBODY'S ANGEL (edición en inglés) de JACK CLARK

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Descargas de audiolibros gratuitas para iPod nano NOBODY'S ANGEL (edición en inglés) (Literatura española)


QUENTIN TARANTINO on NOBODYS ANGEL: "My favourite fiction novel this year was written by a taxi driver who used to hand it out to his passengers. Its a terrific story and character study of a cabbie in Chicago during a time when a serial killer is robbing and murdering cabbies. Kudos to Hard Case Crime for publishing Mr. Clarks book."TWO KILLERS STALK THE STREETS OF CHICAGO—CAN ONE TAXI DRIVER CORNER THEM BOTH?Eddie Miles is one of a dying breed: a Windy City hack who knows every street and back alley of his beloved city and takes its recent descent into violence personally. But what can one driver do about a killer targeting streetwalkers or another terrorizing cabbies? Precious little—until the night he witnesses one of them in action...

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