The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasure of Who You Are by Kelly Brogan MD
- The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasure of Who You Are
- Kelly Brogan MD
- Page: 304
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9781510780705
- Publisher: Skyhorse
Book downloads in pdf format The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasure of Who You Are in English by Kelly Brogan MD
Reclamation isn’t about taking back what was stolen and winning. It’s about owning what you’ve always had and ending the war inside. New York Times bestselling author and published natural health reclamation advocate Kelly Brogan MD is back to push the envelope of discourse on self-ownership, authenticity, and sovereignty. This time, she has a message for all women: you deserve to feel alive. Showcasing the reasons modern women are living hollow, unfulfilling, overwhelming, and complaint-filled lives, The Reclaimed Women resolves the gaslight that says, we should be enjoying the freedom hard-wrought by feminism, sexual liberation, and medication. Women are lost, we’ve been duped, and we’ve abandoned our true nature in exchange for seeming empowerment. Masterful at offering women the permission to self-embrace, Brogan invites you to come home to yourself so that you can finally experience the specific pleasure of who you are. This book offers a provocative perspective on feminine reclamation including the imperative to learn the skills of self-safety in order to embody creative expression. Using actionable steps based on the experience of her own heroine’s journey, Brogan’s "one stop shop" will help you claim the jewels from the cave of your shame, own your badness, and align with your desires. Refreshing, candid, and transformational, The Reclaimed Woman exposes all of the ways that women are outsourcing their power and living life from childhood wounds in business, mothering, and relationships. If you feel like . . . you say no when you mean yes and yes when you mean no there’s more to you but don’t know how to access it you’re confused about where sexuality belongs in your life you feel you need to explain yourself to others who question your decisions you partner with safe, nice guys or try to control dangerous ones you make yourself small to make other women comfortable you’re bitter, jealous, resentful, and can easily describe women you can’t stand even the celebratory moments feel a bit empty . . . The Reclaimed Woman will shatter the glass ceiling of your too-small story, delivering you to your most audacious life.
Browse Books: Health & Fitness / Mental Health
The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts
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The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your
The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasures of Who You Are. Kelly Brogan (Author). FORMAT.
Browse Books: Health & Fitness / Mental Health
(This book cannot be returned.) Pre-Order Now Badge. The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific.
The Reclaimed Woman by Kelly Brogan MD - Audiobook
The Reclaimed Woman. Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasures of Who You Are. By: Kelly Brogan MD; Narrated by: Kelly
Kelly Brogan · The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow
The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasures of Who You Are · Kelly Brogan.
Kelly Brogan · The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow
The Reclaimed Woman: Love Your Shadow, Embody Your Feminine Gifts, Experience the Specific Pleasures of Who You Are. Kelly Brogan. Prix. € 20,49. Pré-commande.
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