Hesini Culture

The Hesini (translated to "people of the sands") are a minority group native to the vast desert that takes up much of the Southern Hemisphere of Tal'lesa. 

It is a monotheistic faith that preaches of one god, named Tix'iya (translates to "life-giving rain"), who brings rain and life to their world. Many Tal'lesan customs and traditions stem from celebrations or teachings of Hes'ini.

The most well-known practice is the Ke'ji Tix or Festival of Rain. It's a celebration of when Tix'iya first made the rain fall, transforming the vast desert-like rocks of Tal'lesa into beautiful, sprawling rainforests. The festival lasts several days, and includes dancing, making and eating traditional foods, and wearing bright clothes and flowers. The third day is considered the holiest day and is technically the Tal'lesan New Year. It's dictated to be the one required day of rest. Anyone who practices Hes'ini is instructed to take the day off of work or school and spend the day at home with family to celebrate and worship.

The second major aspect of the Hes'ini religion is their belief in an afterlife. It is told that when a person's physical body dies, their spirit stays tethered to the body. If they lived their life in a good, honest way in the name of Tix'iya, the god himself will appear to cut the tethers with his weapon, the Blade of Liberation. If and when the tethers are cut, the spirit will then join Tix'iya as a watchful spirit, guiding and helping their family's future generations. 

If the tether is not cut, the soul will stay tethered to the body and will not be able to travel far from its physical hold. Tethered spirits typically become angry very quickly, as they are forever trapped unless they somehow gain Tix'iya's favor in the afterlife, which is very difficult to do when they can't move from their body. The final piece to this lore says that because the blade is what cuts a soul's tethers, it's believed that a blade is the holiest and purest weapon of all. It's said that in order for a spirit to stay separate from the physical body, a blade must be used to kill. They are used in war and executions, as they believe every person deserves to hear Tix'iya's judgment. If one dies from something other than a blade or natural causes (which includes drowning, sickness, and old age), it is believed that their spirit dies with them and their journey ends with death.

Some smaller practices within the religion of Hes'ini include the symbolism of colors, especially on the Ke'ji Tix. Wearing certain colors is believed to bring the wearer a certain attribute in the coming year.

Red: Bravery/power

Orange: Creativity

Yellow: Good luck

Green: Wealth

Blue: Loyal friendship/lover

Purple: Long life/healing

Pink: Wisdom/knowledge

White: Happiness/peace

Rainstorms are seen as holy signs from their god. Frequent rainstorms means the people of Tal'lesa are in Tix'iya's favor, while droughts