Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition / Edition 12 by Leonard Gomella

- Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition / Edition 12
- Leonard Gomella
- Page: 1184
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9780071602822
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
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An all new edition of the original Scut Monkey Handbook—the acclaimed survival guide for the wards and the clinic 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW "This pocket reference is packed with information that is important for medical students and interns on a day-to-day basis. It is rich with practical information that might otherwise be located in different manuals.... The fundamental information is important for all clinicians to master, thus the book serves housestaff quite well also.... This book continues to be a favorite among medical students and housestaff for good reason."—Doody's Review Service (on a previous edition) This portable, pocket-sized “manual of manuals” provides medical students and residents with essential patient care information, including up-to-date coverage of current treatment protocols, clinical microbiology, critical care, and commonly used medications. Readers will find step-by-step guidance on the history and physical examination, differential diagnosis, key lab and diagnostic tests, and much more. The Twelfth Edition is highlighted by NEW specialty Pearls; NEW chapters on the Patient Presentation, Specialized Diagnostics, Hospice and Palliative Care, Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams, and Principles of Ambulatory Care; and “must know” board tips at the end of each chapter; and NEW laboratory tests.
Clinician's Pocket Reference, 11th Edition (11th ed.)
Leonard Gomella, MD, FACS is Chairman of the Dept. of Urology, Jefferson Medical College. Steven Haist, MD, MS is Professor of Medicine, University of Kentucky
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition (Paperback) Monkey Handbook--the acclaimed survival guide for the wards and the clinic.
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition [Gomella, Leonard G.] on Amazon.com.au. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders.
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Lange Q&A MRI Examination, Twentieth Edition|Barry Southers Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition|Leonard Gomella.
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition
An all new edition of the original Scut Monkey Handbook--the acclaimed survival guide for the wards and the clinic4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEWThis pocket reference
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition
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Pre-order. Will ship when available. Paperback. Edition Number: 12. Available: 12th August 2022. RRP $89.95.
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th
Gomella and Haists Clinicians Pocket Reference, 12th Edition (Paperback, 12)
Professionalism in Healthcare | AccessMedicine
Read chapter 2 of Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12e online now, an updated Ethics Manual—the seventh edition was published in 2019.
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket - Books-A-Million
This portable, pocket-sized "manual of manuals" provides medical students and residents with essential patient care information, including up-to-date coverage
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket - Antigone Books
Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference, 12th Edition (Paperback) Monkey Handbook--the acclaimed survival guide for the wards and the clinic.