[How To Read] You Are a Global Citizen: A Guided Journal for the Culturally Curious [KINDLE]

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Overview : So you're here. The world dealt you a random card, and you're dealing with it.Maybe right now is the first time you're even realizing you got dealt a card. You did! You Are A Global Citizen ignites your inner curiosity and provokes self-discovery through thought-provoking questions about the cultures you have experienced--including your own--all while helping you become a more inquisitive, aware, observant, and engaged world citizen.Whether you've never left home, are studying at university, are looking to live and move abroad, or are simply curious about your own identity within a global society, this book will help you understand how the outside world impacts what's going on inside your mind, and vice versa.In three sections covering your origins, your external environment and your internal environment, with space for reflection at the beginning and end, Damon Dominique, pioneer of the modern day social media travel scene and star of countless popular You Tube travel vlogs and

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