Title: Business and Professional Communication – by Steven A. Beebe
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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This comprehensivebook focuses on the core concepts and skills of business and professional communication, with an emphasis on leadership for today s global workplace. Business and Professional Communication is organized around five fundamental principles of communication, providing a useful pedagogical framework for the reader. These principles are applied to a variety of business and professional contexts, including workplace relationships, interviewing, group and team work and giving presentations. Readers learn how to be aware of their communication, to use verbal and nonverbal messages and listen effectively and then, to adapt their communication to others needs and styles. .
Hook your readers with an intriguing question or bold statement. For example: What if I told you that within the pages of Business and Professional Communication, lies a story so captivating it will redefine your understanding of Steven A. Beebe? Whether you're a seasoned reader or a newcomer to Business and Professional Communication, this book is one you can't afford to miss.