Prepare for the study group
Prepare for the study group by reading the online texts on emotional and behavioural problems in children and adolescents and the text "It's the little things". As a basis for discussion and work together, you can also draw on your own cases, encountered at work or in other life situations, related to various emotional difficulties of children and young people.

For reflection:

  • What are the reasons for the increase in emotional difficulties among children and young people?
  • What are the challenges that today's world poses to children's and young people's mental health?
  • What resources or protective factors are linked to the balanced development of a child or adolescent?
  • What is the role of home and school in the development of these problems?
  • What measures can the home/day care/school/society take to support and promote the balanced development of the child's or young person's overall personality and prevent the emergence of emotional difficulties? Consider the question from different perspectives.
  • What kind of multidisciplinary network of cooperation can be built around the child and the family?
  • How can cooperation between family and professionals be promoted? And what factors can pose a challenge to this cooperation?

MULTIMUTUAL STUDIES: Study Group / Language difficulties - an expanding field of special education or an inadequately treated difficulty early in the school career?
Prepare for the study group by reading the online text on this site speech, language and communication difficulties.

For reflection:

  • How can language learning and communication problems manifest themselves in practice and how can they be addressed?
  • How could early language rehabilitation for children in day care and primary education be enhanced/developed/resourced? And what problems and difficulties can arise in the implementation of different measures?
  • What is the reason for the dramatic increase in language difficulties?

The study group will provide an opportunity to brainstorm and exchange ideas on different alternative approaches to the write my essay 4 me. Ideas can be based on the students' own ideas, on themes chosen together in the group or on themes shared by the tutor. Ideation can proceed, for example, by small groups drawing up a map of ideas on a chosen theme, then circulating the maps and the other groups adding their own ideas to the maps.

The study group can brainstorm and exchange ideas on different alternative ways of looking at the essay. Ideation can be based on students' ideas, on themes chosen together in the group or on themes shared by the tutor. Ideation can proceed, for example, by small groups drawing up a map of ideas on a chosen theme, then circulating the maps and the other groups adding their own ideas to the maps.

Under the guidance of the tutor, use illustrative examples to review the key aspects of essay format: essay structure, citation of references, bibliography, cover page and table of contents. If you wish, you can give peer feedback in pairs on each other's essays as they stand at that moment, or discuss in general the topics and content of the essays chosen by your group.

More Usefull Recurces:

History A-levels: the rules of essay writing in 5 steps

How to make a well-structured essay

How to write a persuasive essay

How to write an excellent argumentative essay