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Title: Shadows of Self (Mistborn, #5) – by Brandon Sanderson


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Shadows of Self shows Mistborn's society evolving as technology and magic mix, the economy grows, democracy contends with corruption, and religion becomes a growing cultural force, with four faiths competing for converts.This bustling, optimistic, but still shaky society now faces its first instance of terrorism, crimes intended to stir up labor strife and religious conflict. Wax and Wayne, assisted by the lovely, brilliant Marasi, must unravel the conspiracy before civil strife stops Scadrial's progress in its tracks.Shadows of Self will give fans of The Alloy of Law everything they've been hoping for and, this being a Brandon Sanderson book, more, much more.An unabridged recording (12 hours, 38 minutes)..

Hook your readers with an intriguing question or bold statement. For example: What if I told you that within the pages of Shadows of Self (Mistborn, #5), lies a story so captivating it will redefine your understanding of Brandon Sanderson? Whether you're a seasoned reader or a newcomer to Shadows of Self (Mistborn, #5), this book is one you can't afford to miss.