Get PDF Book Balancing Coupling in Software Design: Universal Design Principles for Architecting Modular Software Systems (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Vernon)) (Author Vladik Khononov)

(Download And Read) Balancing Coupling in Software Design: Universal Design Principles for Architecting Modular Software Systems (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Vernon)) by Vladik Khononov




Overview : Microservices become immensely popular because it promised to help organizations build loosely-coupled systems that allow for fast, easy change. But microservices systems haven't always kept that promise. This book identifies the deeper problem -- how software architects and designers approach coupling - and introduces an important new approach for creating more successful designs whether you use microservices or not.Instead of blindly avoiding coupling, leading software architecture expert Vladik (Vlad) Khononov proposes a novel method that transforms it into a powerful design tool: "balanced multi-dimensional coupling." Khononov begins by surveying existing methods of evaluating coupling, and illuminating their strengths and limitations in the context of modern distributed systems. Next, he introduces a new multi-dimensional coupling model, and demonstrates how to harness it to build modular software.Instead of focusing solely on a single approach, Balancing Coupling in Software

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