He's Not That Interested, He's Just Passing Time: 40 Unmistakable Behaviors Of Men Who Avoid Commitment And Play Games With Women (Smart Dating Books for Women)
He's Not That Interested, He's Just Passing Time: 40 Unmistakable Behaviors Of Men Who Avoid Commitment And Play Games With Women (Smart Dating Books for Women) by Bruce Bryans
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- How to Tell if a Man Wants You for a "Lifetime" or Only for the Moment Men don't really have "commitment issues." At least, not in the way most women think men do. When a man tells you he has "commitment issues," there's a good chance that what he REALLY means is he's not that interested in you and is just using you to pass time with until he meets someone "better."When a man isn't interested in a relationship with you, his "commitment issues" are nothing more than an excuse to waste your time and reap the benefits of your decision to stay with him in order to "see where this thing goes."It's at this point where many women make one of the worse dating decisions possible, as they choose to remain with a half-interested man, hoping that over time they'll be able to "lull" him into a serious commitment. The "Biggest" Reason Why Men Pull Away and Suddenly Lose InterestWomen often wonder why men pull away and lose interest in a blossoming romance without so much as a warning. Though there .
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