Download PDF (Book) The Storm We Made by : (Vanessa Chan)

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Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9781668015148.A novel about a Malayan mother who becomes an unlikely spy for the invading Japanese forces during WWII?and the shocking consequences that rain upon her community and family.Malaya, 1945. Cecily Alcantara?s family is in terrible danger: her fifteen-year-old son, Abel, has disappeared, and her youngest daughter, Jasmin, is confined in a basement to prevent being pressed into service at the comfort stations. Her eldest daughter Jujube, who works at a tea house frequented by drunk Japanese soldiers, becomes angrier by the day.Cecily knows two things: that this is all her fault; and that her family must never learn the truth.A decade prior, Cecily had been desperate to be more than a housewife to a low-level bureaucrat in British-colonized Malaya. A chance meeting with the charismatic General Fuijwara lured her into a life of espionage, pursuing dreams of an ?Asia for Asians.? Instead, Cecily helped usher in an even more brutal occupation by .