(Get) Come Together: The Science (and Art!) of Creating Lasting Sexual Connections *eBooks
Overview :
An illuminating exploration of how to maintain a happy sex life in a long-term relationship, from the New York Times bestselling author of Come as You Are and co-author of Burnout.In Come as You Are, Emily Nagoski, PhD, provided science-backed lessons that revolutionized the way we think about women?s sexuality. Now, in Come Together, Nagoski takes on a fundamentally misunderstood subject: sex in long-term relationships.Nagoski breaks down the myths many of us have been taught about sex?for instance, the belief that sexual satisfaction and desire are highest at the beginning of a relationship and that they will inevitably decline the longer that relationship lasts. Nagoski assures us that?s not true.So, what is true? Come Together isn?t about how much we want sex, or how often we?re having it; it?s about whether we like the sex we?re having. Nagoski breaks down the obstacles that impede us from enjoying sex?from stress and body image, to relationship difficulties and gendered beliefs
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