(PDF) Download Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Full Access
Overview : Binder-Ready Edition: This loose-leaf copy of the full text is a convenient, accessible, and customizable alternative to the bound book. With this binder-ready edition, you can personalize the text to match your unique study needs!Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 8th Edition is the most comprehensive RN psychiatric nursing text on the market! User-friendly by design, it simplifies the often-intimidating subject of psychiatric mental health nursing with a practical, clinical perspective. Revised with the help of a readability expert, chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application, preparing you for practice with real-world examples. New to this edition is coverage of neurobiology of the brain throughout the Major Disorders chapters, the latest DSM-5 guidelines, and coverage of trauma, pediatric mental health, major disorders, QSEN competencies, and more!
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