Tropes applying to the Ultimate Big Bad in Norrington's Desire, the Ancient One, Okhaeanus (Oceanus) 

World's Strongest Man: Oceanus stands as the only force within Norrington's Desire that can truly challenge the might of both dragon gods, at the same time. His sheer ferocity and raw power have earned him the foreboding monikers of "The Ancient Calamity" and "The Titan," evoking images of his colossal stature and cataclysmic potential. 

The Unperson: Oceanus struck such terror in the ancient dragon realms that they purposely refrained from uttering his name, praying that he would gradually fade into obscurity and eventually be erased from collective memory.

Aliens Speaking English: Averted. Okeanus speaks this ancient, dead draconic language that none of us could make sense of. Honestly, we were completely lost every time he opened his mouth. That was, until Medea got stuck inside Asura's mind. Suddenly, for some reason, while she was in there, she was able to understand that ancient language. 

Too Powerful to Live: Arguably the single most powerful (and most malevolent) Ancient Super Mega Kaiju-Dragon God... thing in Norrington's Desire yet, and he's killed in the same Arc he makes a proper appearance. 

Arch-Enemy: Both dragon gods were haunted by nightmares of his awakening, weeks before it actually happened. Facing him and trying to take him down for good is the only thing that could temporarily put an end to the rivalry between the House of Laurel and the du Cronos Dynasty, and maybe even force an uneasy alliance.

No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Oceanus shows a level of savagery and brutality that's almost beyond belief when he faces off against Anthony. He hits with such force that the dragon god is left on the edge of death. The way he dominates his opponent is insane—each punch, every bone-crushing blow, proves just how unstoppable Oceanus really is. Only the intervention of Asura, and Hellhound Freki, both explicitly created to balance the scales, manages to momentarily halt Oceanus' onslaught.

The Anti-God: While he is a different take on a Satanic Archetype (because the In-Universe Satan spot has been taken), he's this as well. Instead of being a former servant who went rogue, he's an equal—if not a superior—force to Laurel and Anthony. A false god with the power to destroy everything and remake it however he pleases.

Red Baron: Laurel refers to him as The Titan, alluding to the fact that in Greek mythology, Titans are mighty entities far older than gods, as Oceanus is.

Tyrant Takes the Helm: Upon incapacitating Anthony, Oceanus assumes the position of Dragon-in-Chief in the Mortal World. Without delay, he issues commands for the four dragon rulers to launch unrelenting invasions on every continent, with the objective of eradicating the civilizations of all races.

Satanic Archetype: A different take on the Satan symbolism than Anthony represents. While the patron god of the du Cronos dynasty represents the Prince of Darkness and Milton-esque version of Satan, Oceanus represents the most mainstream depiction of Satan, an Anti-God ancient Eldritch Abomination who used to be one of the gods, who comes back to bring the End of the World as We Know It. Forcing everyone to pull an Enemy Mine against him and his army and doing something that was considered almost impossible: solidifying Anthony's Heel–Face Turn and making him and the Eye of Laurel work as a team for the Greater Good.

There Can Only Be One: Downplayed in that Oceanus seeks to overthrow Laurel and Anthony, and afterwards uses the four dragon realms as an army of his will to aid him in turning the world into a dragon-only place. However, based on his responses to the Monarchs' answers, it appears that Oceanus' attitude to practically any other chief is that it must bend or break.

Dragons Are Demonic: Oceanus, a colossal and malevolent abomination of an East Asian dragon, shatters the typical benevolent perception associated with his kindHe embodies a level of ferocity and avarice more commonly associated with Western Dragons such as Anthony and LaurelHis scheme amounts to nothing short of a cataclysmic, genocidal campaign targeting all non-dragon civilizations, with the sole goal of terraforming the planet into a desolate wasteland, where only dragons are sanctioned to inhabit while he asserts unchallenged supremacy.

The Juggernaut: Oceanus unleashes his nearly unstoppable strength when he brutally beats Anthony to a pulp, leaving him with little chance of survival. Asura is created to even the odds, but even with the help of the Awakened Sun God and Laurel's wild card, they find themselves locked in a fierce struggle, unable to easily overpower the dominating force of Oceanus. The battle rages on, and Oceanus continues to assert his dominance, prolonging the fight and challenging the resilience of his adversaries.

No-Sell: He scoffs at Anthony's poison, laughs at Laurel's darkness, and barely reacts at the Red Giant Fire Scorcher. His unstoppable power makes him a force of nature rather than a monster.

Control Freak: He compels the four dragon overlords of Norrington's Desire to submit to his will, turning their subjects into his pawns and using them to sow destruction and chaos across the land. From toppling cities and civilizations to unleashing devastating storms and natural disasters, Oceanus will stop at nothing to bend the earth to his draconic vision of a world ruled by his kind.

Super Toughness: He manages to actually power through Anthony's Fire Scorcher twice in the final confrontation in the Atlantic. He wasn't gangsta when The Fire Scorcher gave the Bakuretsu no Tenshi the Unbreakable Sharpness though.

Conflict Killer: You see, when Oceanus grabs the reins from Anthony and orders the other dragon factions to lay waste to the world, it's a game-changer. Former foes from the story suddenly find themselves on the same side, banding together to stand up against this self-proclaimed tyrannic deity. The du Cronos Dynasty, the House of Laurel, and even regular humans and magical creatures all set aside their beefs to take on this apocalyptic nightmare and take back their world. Admittedly, the alliance had its bumps and broke apart as soon as Oceanus bit the dust, but still, they pulled it off.

The Dreaded: Okeanus is an even bigger deal in the four dragon realms, and they're seriously scared of him. Funny enough, he didn't even have to brainwash them into being his personal army for his terraforming attack. They were just so terrified that they decided not to put up a fight and let him take control.

Sophisticated as Hell: At least, according to Medea, who is the only non-dragon deity who understands his ancient, dead language. Oceanus, she alleges, alternates between speaking like an upper-classman and swearing like a sailor.

Anthropomorphic Personification: Oceanus is the living dragonification of Tyranny.

Genki Guy: A very dark example. As he leads his invasion bend to destruction, he appears joyfully sadistic.

Curb-Stomp Cushion: Asura prevents him from delivering the final blow to Anthony and he is outmatched by the combined might of Anthony and Asura, though only barely as Oceanus still holds the upper hand for much of the fight, and could very well have incapacitated them both if he wasn't momentarily distracted by The V7Ds attack.

Generic Doomsday Villain: Let's face it: an ancient eldritch kaiju rising to terraform the planet, causing the other species on Earth to band together against him isn't exactly the most revolutionary phenomenon, and I'm well aware of that. Oceanus is a monster, therefore, he doesn't need a tragic backstory or compelling motivation. The fun comes from the conflict, the execution, and how it will ultimately bring the du Cronos Dynasty and the House of Laurel together even if it's temporarily.

Evil Counterpart: To Laurel. He’s The Anti-God to Laurel's God, with not just the capacity to annihilate any living civilization, but the intent to.

Stronger with Age: Okeanus's colossal size, reaching a staggering height of 700 meters long, is said to be the product of its continuous growth over a span of seven centuries.

The Sociopath: Oceanus cares nothing for other species, except for going out of his way to kill and toy with any living creature for his own sadistic amusement, and using the Four Dragon Realms as extensions of his will (and threatening them with death should they decide to oppose him). He forces all of the Four Realms to aid him in killing as much of their planet's biosphere as possible, and he's completely okay with devastating an entire planet and all its native life to serve his own goals (not only that but he actively seems quite happy to do so).

Eviler Than Thou: One of the things separating this Satan from Anthony's Satan: Oceanus has never been anyone's pawn, and every enemy who has dared to face him has come to regret it. He bows to no one and listens only to himself; his word is the sole will he wishes to obey.

Weredragon: By virtue of being a deformed, vicious and imperfect dragon god, Okeanous is unable to fully enter a human shape like Anthony or Laurel (or just refuses to, since he's a proud dragon, period). However, he managed to sneak a ''humanoid'' version of himself to the Underworld to threaten Laurel, full of scales and a tail, much like when the other gods are in mid-transformation between human and dragon forms.

Evil Is Not Pacifist: Oceanus uses the full might of the four dragon realms' army to terraform the world. He was ready to sit back and let the dragon realms do his bidding at first, but as the other species began to fight back, he realizes that charging head-on is the better way to terraform Earth.

Death Glare: Oceanus' default way of looking at anyone or anything, with his unblinking Glowing Eyes of Doom really adding to that effect.

Evil Is Bigger: When finally facing Anthony du Kronos in his Awakened form, he is towering over the Sun God.

Big Bad: Oceanus not only is set to become The du Kronos Dynasty and The House of Laurel's arch-nemesis but also Norrington's Desire overall. 

Implacable Dragon: Once he lets himself go rogue, it's completely unfazed and undeterred by Anthony or Asura — able to power through all of their attacks, even together, and dominates both of them at once without missing a beat. It's only thanks to a brief distraction from Miyuuki and Quincy that any pause is given long enough for Anthony to power up Bakuretsu no Tenshi with the Fire Scorcher to give Asura the means to kill it for good, more or less...

Single Specimen Species: Oceanus became the Eldritch Abomination he is after refusing to be replaced as the god of the Underworld, instead of becoming senile, he started disfiguring and all the hatred and fear those Ancient dragons paid to him instead of prayers gave him more and more power even though he was sleeping, becoming something stronger than a dragon god, nicknamed by Laurel as a Dragon Titan of Tyranny. Since no other god had this gruesome transformation (since everyone begs to be replaced before going senile), he is one of a kind. 

Not Even Human: Oceanus is a dragon version of this. After it's released, it immediately proves itself to be unnaturally sadistic and malicious, particularly when compared with the other dragons who can be hostile or benevolent but are all ultimately animals with animal instinct, or Anthony and Laurel, who have morals, even though everyone has their own agenda on how those morals work. It increases halfway through the Arc when we realize Oceanus WAS a dragon god, a dragon god that refused to be replaced and the millennia made him stronger and wicked.

Animalistic Abomination: More precisely, a Draconic Abomination. He's a primordial, ancient deity whose true form is a massive Azure Dragon.

Blow You Away: To contrast Anthony's sunlight of life and Laurel's darkness of death, Oceanus controls the wind, fitting for someone who is usually compared to a living storming typhoon.

The Night That Never Ends: Oceanus' plan after defeating Anthony and Laurel. He wants to spread Perpetual Storms across the planet as part of his Omnicidal Maniac actions. It's worth noting that if such weather keeps up for days or even months, the decreased daylight alone (never mind all the other devastation) could have the effect of nuclear or volcanic winter, causing plant life to die and then the animals to follow in a domino effect.

Monster Lord: An Ancient twisted Dragon God, after overpowering Anthony and being sure that Laurel was trapped in the Underworld, he summons the four dragon realms to serve as his army to slay any non-dragon life and turn the world into a wasteland where only dragons will be able to survive and (maybe) rebuild. 

Giant Flyer: His immense proportions and far-reaching dominion have made him the very representation of the boundless, unbridled domain of the sea. It is a testament to his power and influences that he has become the namesake for what we now refer to as the "ocean''.

Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: When Oceanus appears in the battlefield in his true form, he becomes a sight to behold, a dragon monstrosity of unimaginable size and power that dwarfs anything the heroes have ever encountered. With scales as hard as steel and eyes that gleam with an otherworldly malevolence, he is a being whose very presence commands awe and fear. In this form, he is capable of wrapping Anthony and Laurel within his massive body like a serpent, his coils constricting around them like a vice. 

Make Me Wanna Shout: Upon awakening, Okeanus displayed such immense size and power that his roar reverberated with such force that it unleashed a devastating shockwave, capable of obliterating airborne ships from great distances. Luckily for all other creatures engaged in the war against him, this extraordinary effect of his roar seemed to be a singular occurrence.

Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To Anthony du Cronos, While both The Sun God and The Forgotten God of Tyranny have devil thematic motifs with associations with darkness (initially at least), the way they're executed differently. Oceanus invokes a stereotypical image of the devil, based mostly on the seven-headed dragon of the Book of Revelations while Anthony invokes the more unorthodox imagery from the biblical text, being mainly inspired by the Satan from Paradise Lost, yet invoking the imagery of a Fallen Angel with heavenly imagery that contrasts with its true dragon demonic form.

Laser-Guided Karma: His Omnicidal Maniac tendencies lead to any non-dragon fighting creature (mostly humans, elves, wolves, etc.) and the goddesses being united against him and his dragon army.

Invincible Villain: Asura can beat Okeanus into a pulp as many times as she likes, he will always regenerate and come back. Fortunately, Asura found a way to get rid of him for a few millennia (see And I Must Scream below).

Large and in Charge: Oceanus towers above the Sun God of the du Kronos Dynasty and The Chief of the House of Laurel, usurping their position as Dragon Chief and compelling the four realms to submit to his power instead.

Tranquil Fury: Okeanus is an anomaly among the dragons of Norrington's Desire. While most dragons, including Laurel, unleash a thunderous roar when consumed by anger or feeling provoked, Okeanus doesn't really do that. What sets him apart is his eerie silence in the face of true provocation, and it is this silence that instils the greatest fear in those who encounter him.

Extra Eyes: To highlight his unearthly essence (even surpassing Anthony and Laurel's divine essence), he bears several small, red eyes on his forehead.

Draconic Abomination: Oceanus is established as an ancient civilization-destroying cataclysmic draconic entity that exists outside of the natural order, creating chaos and disaster on Earth.

Kaiju: A destructive monster dragon the size of a few metropolises. Freki's wolf shape is considerably larger than an average person, yet it is smaller than his eyeball.

Smarter Than You Look: Inverted. One might assume that a being that has lived for centuries, possibly even longer than the current dragon gods, would possess high levels of intelligence and calculation. However, this is not the case for Oceanus. In reality, the dragon is quite poor at planning, lacks understanding of emotions, and has a very simplistic mind that is driven more by natural instincts than other dragons. The V7D appears to believe that Oceanus is far more intelligent and emotionally responsive than it truly is. While Oceanus may not be at the level of an Almighty Idiot, it is possible that the Titan is even less intelligent than humans.

Ancient Evil: He's been around since at least ancient human history, and little information on him remains due to him being the Unperson. This is due to the fact that he is the only Dragon God that is truly cruel and malignant.

God of Evil: He isn't actually a god—not anymore—but an extremely powerful and immortal Draconic Abomination who has god-like powers that oppose Laurel and wishes to destroy the other races and free the dragons of the Four Realms so that he can rule over them all after Terraforming the World. He is basically the dragon representation of Tyranny.

Chaos Is Evil: Yes. Literally, he's an embodiment of this trope, and that's Not Hyperbole.

The Unblinking: His gaze is intense and unnerving, glowing with a fierce, unblinking otherworldly light that seems to bore into your very soul. One look into those eyes is enough to make even the bravest of souls quiver with fear and turn away.

Hated by All: Oceanus is reviled by all, despised by both of the dragon gods who oppose him, and the dragon realms had to be coerced into serving him. Not even the other creatures on Earth were safe from his wrath as they banded together to resist him, united in their hatred for the monstrous tyrant.

Lovecraftian Superpower: Oceanus is an aberration to the traditional image of a dragon, a nightmarish creature that embodies the very essence of brutality and savagery. His appearance is not that of a majestic beast, but a twisted and corrupted mass of flesh and scales that exudes an aura of primordial chaos. He is a personification of bloodlust and Tyranny.

The Great Serpent: His physical body manifests as a gigantic, demonic Azure Dragon that towers over the landscape, exuding a demonic presence that strikes fear into the hearts of all who lay eyes on him. Unlike the majestic, regal European dragon forms of Laurel and Anthony, Oceanus is a savage, Eastern beast, with scales as hard as steel and eyes that burn with an insatiable hunger for destruction.

God-Eating: With a hunger that can never be satiated, Oceanus sets his sights on consuming the two dragon gods, Laurel and Anthony, whom he views as obstacles to his grand plan. He succeeds in devouring Anthony, but it proves to be a fatal mistake, as he unknowingly ingests the last remnants of the mortal essence of the dragon god.

Knight of Cerebus: Oceanus is the embodiment of true malevolence, a force of destruction that makes nightmares seem like child's play. Laurel's portrayal of him is not an exaggeration, as he is the ultimate threat to all life in Norrington's Desire. Unlike the other dragons who behave like animals, Oceanus is a living extinction event that represents the darkest possible outcome. His arrival marks a turning point in the story, where everything takes a much darker turn, and the characters face their most challenging and brutal battle yet. 

The Juggernaut: Halting his rampage required the crushing weight of an entire mountain, along with the absorption of his divine essence into Bakuretsu no Tenshi, yet even then, he still refused to die..

And I Must Scream: His final demise. Trapped under the Mauna Kea, his powers sealed in Bakuretsu no Tenshi, still alive but unable to form a body for himself again in at least a few centuries, and even if he did, he wouldn't be strong enough to leave his ''cell''.