forum I'll name this later [One on One// PRIVATE]
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Max opened the door and walked in, instantly coughing as he swatted the dust away from his face. He opened his eyes and looked around for the source of the dust and his eyes landed on his roommate. "Are the beds old or something?" He asked.

Deleted user

( I dont know what pansexual means)
Luke smiled " Well, I am not sure but im guessing!" Luke said laughing and coughing at the same time. Luke stood up to greet him with a friendly handshake. " My names Lukes." He said calmly

Deleted user

(It means that u love someone not based on their gender, race, skin color, etc.)

Max smiled brightly and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Max," He replied.

Deleted user

Luke smiled, " Well nice to meet you Max. I kind've already claimed a bed." Luke said still working through the cloud of dust

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"Okay then, I'll take the other bed I guess," Max replied as he went over to the other bed, setting down his stuff before sitting down on his phone.

Deleted user

Luke pulled out his Playstation and was setting it up when he heard a faint sound of chattering and argueing in the hallway. Luke set down his stuff and went to the hallway spotting a couple as he thought fighting. " You guys ok?" Luke asked leaning against the door.

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Max glanced up from his phone as he followed Luke out the hall, peeking his head out of the door. "What's going on?" He asked.

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Noone answered for they ignored him and countinued. " A couple fight im guessing?" He said questionly and glancing at his feet and not looking up.

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Luke kept glancing at his feet as he walked back to his playstation pulling up Fortnite. " Hey do you play Fortnite?" Luke asked curiously.

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Max walked back to his bed and glanced at Luke when he started talking. "No," He answered.

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Luke walked over to him and pulled on his sweatshirt handing him the controler " Do it!" Luke commanded Laughing and joking at the same time

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"No, staphhhhh," Max groaned, taking out his book and reading it.

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Luke sat next to him " Play it." Luke giggled a little more.

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"No, let me read," Max said, not looking up from his book.

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Luke looks at his page number and takes the book swinging in in the air. " Play it please."

Deleted user

"Hey! Give it back!" Max said, reaching out to grab the book.

Deleted user

Luke pushes him back with his strangth making him look like a pipsquek. " Please Love." Luke said not notcing he had said love