forum Brainwashed (O/O) Closed
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 43 followers

Deleted user

“I’m quoting Romeo and Juliet silly,” she explained, smiling widely. She loved him so much…


"You're silly for quoting stuff I don't know!" He pulled out his key and unlocked his apartment door. "And I love you even though you're silly.", he whispered just loudly enough for her to hear. "Opps did I say that out loud.", he giggled. He could be a little dramatic.

Deleted user

“You!” she cried, pushing him back teasingly. She plopped down on his couch, crossing both her legs and arms and looked away from him. Her smile spread slowly across her lips.

Deleted user

She fake gagged. “Don’t choke me!” she laughed, leaning back against his chest.

Deleted user

“Mmm, very,” she said, raising her chin so she could see him better.

Deleted user

Kate grinned and kissed him back softly. She loved the feel of his lips on hers.


August ran his hand through her beautiful hair and put his other hand on her cheek. I just want to kiss her forever… He felt a little daring, so he licked the bottom of her lip.

Deleted user

“Mmm!” She hummed happily, pressing closer against him. Her arms wrapped around his neck.


(How far are you thinking of going?)
He puts his hands over hers, as if he could hold them there forever. "You're my everything.", he mumbles between their lips.

Deleted user

(Not too far. I want her to go home, so she’s not gonna stay the night)

“And you say that I'm the dramatic one,” she teased, kissing him lightly.

Deleted user

"I'll kiss my meanie," she said, pecking his lips with a grin.

Deleted user

(It's cool! I've been spotty lately too.)
She giggled and cuddled into his chest. "I love you, meanie," she murmured.

Deleted user

She made a noise of slight annoyance when he called her Ms. Meanine, but she quickly shrugged it off, relaxing against him. She sighed happily. "I really love you, Auggie," she said after a moment.