forum Back on my bullshit (o/o, monster/human romance)
Started by Deleted user
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(I'm guessing we'll just timeskip, so I'll start that))

Adrien woke up the next morning feeling like they actually slept through the night, which was weird for the boy, but he just attributed it to Locust, Crap, I still have that parasite on me. He thought as he headed to his bathroom to get ready for the day. After showering and getting dressed, he walked into the kitchen and just sighed, trying to decide what to eat, he didn't want to have to overeat to feed Locust, but there needed to be something filling enough in there for the two of them. "Hey Locust, what to do you want for breakfast?"

Deleted user

Food, I am starving. I told you. Take care of yourself. I am part of you now. they said in a low, rumbling tone. I know some about earth’s customs, but not much. Tell me, as we eat. I would love to know.


"Okay fine, I thought that it'd be nice for me to maybe offer you a choice in what -this might sound weird- we eat? But if you don't want that, that's fine." He said as he grabbed a frying pan and two eggs, "By the way, will that be enough for us? Or should I make more?"

Deleted user

It will be enough to feed you. I’m not so sure about me. they said, shifting around in Adrien’s chest to link to his spine properly. They had to stay connected, after all, and the man wouldn’t feel a thing so this was the perfect time to do it.


"Okay, so maybe two more?" He said as he grabbed the other eggs from the fridge and popped them into the frying pan. "After that, if you're still hungry I can make something else, okay?" He began to add a bit of cheese into the scrambled eggs before adding some salt and pepper, "And uhm, what do you mean by earth's customs?"

Deleted user

What is a Rick-Roll? Is it some kind of weapon? I hear humans getting highly upset about it whenever they… get Rick-Roll-ed. Locust said, so I can only assume it is something horrible to the highest degree.


"Uhm, it's been a long time since I've heard that, or well, I don't use it that often, but uhm, it's in reference to this song from like the eighties. But uhm, it's not a weapon, at least I don't think you could use it as one." He said with a shrug.

Deleted user

I see. A… song? What is that supposed to be? they asked, curious and wondering so much about humans already. Is it related to anything… useful, for my species?


"MM, probably not, unless you want to annoy people I guess. The whole Rick-Roll thing is sort of used to annoy or upset others, I think. I mean, if you want to do something useful for your species, I suggest learning how our government works, then using their tactics against them to overthrow them if that's what you even want to do?"

Deleted user

Then tell me about your government. I need to know every single in and out, all the information you can give me would be incredibly useful. Locust said.


"Yeah, uhm, that's going to take a while, and I have to work today, so maybe we could do that later?" He said as he grabbed a plate and placed his food onto it. "If that's okay with you, I mean, if you're not a politician or like in the know, it's just really confusing, like extremely confusing." He said with a sigh, walking to the table.