Banned for not taking the compliment
(BE WARNED, As a member of the GCSP (Good Christian Server Police) I can arrest you for self-hatred because that is a serious offense against the laws of my username. Punishments can include anything from 3 hours of excessive hugs to an entire chat being created for people to throw compliments at you until you feel better. In extreme cases, you might even be forced to write an essay about all the reasons you're amazing. You don't want to break the law, so just take the compliment and accept that you are perfect)
Banned for not understanding that being called cute makes me dysphoric and that I would prefer if you did not call me adorable. I am feeling very dysphoric, so please stop.
Banned because how dis you write that if you're blind?
Banned for being too awesome for words
Banned because thanks for the compliment!
Banned for having no spaces in your name
Banned for not being productive
Banned for having spaces in your name.
Banned for having snake instead of snek in your name
Banned for being so pancaking incredible that even my cat would like you
Banned for turning pancake into a verb
Banned for banning the person who complimented me
Banned for having the same last name as Awsten Knight
Banned because they're too a-mezz-ing (I'm so bad at this)
Banned for being to perfect and amazing and i'm lowkey jealous and i stan your complement thank you
Banned because I'm unfollowing
Banned for having a v in your username
Banned for being too awesome for this server
Banned for being too nice to me
Banned for having eaten a carrot in your lifetime
Banned for having eaten a cracker in your lifetime