forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@The-Magician group

So there's a new horrible girl at work, and I was feeling pretty feminine today—hence the pastel pink wedged trainers—and she genuinely thought I was a girl. Later on in the evening I went back to being/feeling masculine, and she decided to shout out that she hates guys. Lets just say her expression was a mix of confusion and disgust when I jokingly said "I take offense". Oh I do love messing with the new people, at some point I'll explain that I'm genderfluid. For the mean time I'm fine with watching them try to figure out my biological sex.

Deleted user

Today's aesthetic: Black t-shirt, black leggings, unbrushed hair with a beanie because styling a pixie cut is hard y'all


My step sis is in from Alaska and so freaking happy she's my age and I haven't seen this girl in like 5 months and we just stayed up all night talking bout our new gf's I missed this girl so much


Btw, I don't know…..if most of you remember me…..? (You maybe do, but at this point I'm so on and off on notebook that I'm not even sure) BUT. I now identify as queer. Instead of pansexual. Because my little bitchy indecisive brain has decided. So there.

Deleted user

Small interjection:

Pansexual is a sexuality and queer is a gender?

How did it change tho?

imean you can still be both


Ok so now I'm confused. I think I've had the wrong idea of what queer is for a good while now. So thank you. I will now go and do some more research instead of doing my homework. (Thx)


Ok so! There's actually quite a few definitions for what queer is. I basically understand queer as a label for peeps who kind of don't want any specific labels of romantic or/and sexual orientation, and/or gender identity. Personally, I'm kind of questioning myself a lot, but I like this label better than just saying "I'm questioning" when someone asks my sexuality or gender. (Not that their is anything wrong with someone saying they're questioning, I just personally feel better with this :)

@Moxie group

Small interjection:

Pansexual is a sexuality and queer is a gender?

How did it change tho?

imean you can still be both

Actually, queer is also an umbrella term used for any sexuality that isn't heterosexual. Like I know some people that instead of explaining that they're homosexual biromantic or bisexual greyromantic, they just use queer.

@The-Magician group

Is it possible to be heterosexual with very asexual tendencies?
I say possible I mean like anything is possible, but do the two of them counteract each other??

@The-Magician group

Alright thank you.
I just needed it clearing up because my boyfriend has been confusing me.
We have figured out that he is heterosexual panromantic with very asexual tendencies but then I got confused because of how asexuality works and thought it would counteract everything else and just everything to do with sexuality confuses me.

@Moxie group

He could also be greysexual? Which is just limited sexual attraction. Because asexuality is a spectrum. So like asexuality but less (does that make any sense??)