forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

@TeamMezzo group

today's aesthetic: anti-dysphoria squad! massive hoodie that used to be dad's, t-shirt, makeshift binder(i'm taking breaks don't worry), jeans, converse


@lee+Co Today's aesthetic: Trying not to look like a lesbian, goth, 90s Damon Albarn. Failing miserably. I am nowhere near that beautiful. My complexion resembles that of a kipper.


I am officially the Worst Gay in the World™: I look like a lesbian, sit like a bisexual, but in fact am only marginally attracted to the opposite gender. I SWEAR I'M NOT STRAIGHT PLEASE DON'T EAT ME


90s Damon Albarn is B E A U T I F U L!
I highly doubt you look like a fish.

Here go away out of that

grumbles to self in Norn Irish


90s Damon Albarn is B E A U T I F U L!
I highly doubt you look like a fish.

Here go away out of that

grumbles to self in Norn Iron

Aw here that's bad craic sorry mate

Here - a command
Go away out of that - Used to deflect a compliment


Today's aesthetic: Steel toe boots, tight black jeans, half open white shirt, black pinstripe blazer, black leather jacket

Tomorrow's aesthetic (possibly): White Niice hoodie (with baby blue and light pink sleeves), baby blue skinny jeans and light pink wedged trainers? BecAUSE who doesn't like a guy who wears pink and heels?

That is a good question. And the answer is that anyone who dares to say that they don't like the way you dress is dead. I will go and slay them with my rainbow sword as you live a brilliant life with the most amazing style ever. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Good night.