forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@saor_illust school

i'm… decent
i was asked about my art skills just a little while ago though. i really wanted to say i'm not that good at art but i know that i have friends who say my art is good and the person who asked is a good friend of mine so i was forced to go with the opinion of my friends

@saor_illust school

how does one help a friend who's so terribly afraid that once we meet up irl when we're older that they'll hurt me in some way or another?
please help, i- i don't do this very often but i genuinely don't know what else to say… also can i have hugs? i like hugs.

@Anemone eco

I guess all you can do is try your best to assure them that they cannot hurt you. And the next step would be being able to make good on that. That would require a strong mentality and backbone, Iz. I know you can do it. You should probably also ask them how they believe they could hurt you if you haven't done so already. Sometimes the most comforting thing that you can tell someone is that what they fear is all in their head. Trust me, I've had it happen to me. If they feel as though they may be abuse or something ask them why and see if there is anything you can do to help them break those habits. If they just fear to do something wrong, just assure them that mistakes are human. Within everything, there is bound to be a mistake, it's just up to you whether you move past it or not. If you dwell on your mistakes and try to run from failure, you'll never succeed. After all, do you think babies give up walking after their first fall? No. So why should your friend? Just be there and grow together. I know you'll make things work together, Izzy. I have faith in you.

@Pickles group

Me: wakes up and sees that as usual, my parents did NOT put my laundry in the dryer and all of my clothes options are wet
Me: moves a single outfit to dryer so it will dry faster and I have something to wear
My mom: hurry up we're leaving in ten minutes
Me: no
Cue me putting on still very wet clothes and shivering in the warmth of my bedroom
It's 30 outside my clothes are going to freeze on me but that's FINE mom

@Anemone eco

Eating a large Hershey's Kiss is way harder than I had expected. It halfway doesn't even feel worth it anymore.

Edit: Seriously though, I just want to eat chocolate and not lose my mandible bone trying.

@Pickles group

Eating a large Hershey's Kiss is way harder than I had expected. It halfway doesn't even feel worth it anymore.

Edit: Seriously though, I just want to eat chocolate and not lose my mandible bone trying.
