forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

People who own TikTok and make and watch TikToks: Lawful good
People who own TikTok and only watch TikToks: True Neutral
People who own TikTok and watch TikToks on YouTube: Chaotic evil.

Where do the folks w/o Tiktok fit?

You don't need tik tok to be a person

But most people who don't own a Tik Tok are also chaotic neutral.

@Pickles group

To all the people that say Tris is afraid of birds: fuck off. She explicitly says she's not afraid of birds and realizes that it symbolizes her fear of losing control, and if you bothered to actually read, in future simulations, it shows up in different ways so take your little movie ass and go die in a ditch because divergent isn't that good and the movies are worse

Yeah, the setup for the first simulation isn't "eek scary crows!", it's "I'm tied up in a field having my skin picked off by birds and I can't fight back."

It may not be as crystal clear when you can't hear her thoughts but it's still pretty clear and if my dad (who likes the Percy Jackson movies, I might point out) can understand that, so can you, you illiterate fuck

Who were you having this discussion with?

I saw some girl say it on a tiktok compilation which sparked the memory of other people saying it and I started yelling at all of them in my head

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

To all the people that say Tris is afraid of birds: fuck off. She explicitly says she's not afraid of birds and realizes that it symbolizes her fear of losing control, and if you bothered to actually read, in future simulations, it shows up in different ways so take your little movie ass and go die in a ditch because divergent isn't that good and the movies are worse

Yeah, the setup for the first simulation isn't "eek scary crows!", it's "I'm tied up in a field having my skin picked off by birds and I can't fight back."

It may not be as crystal clear when you can't hear her thoughts but it's still pretty clear and if my dad (who likes the Percy Jackson movies, I might point out) can understand that, so can you, you illiterate fuck

Who were you having this discussion with?

I saw some girl say it on a tiktok compilation which sparked the memory of other people saying it and I started yelling at all of them in my head

It all comes back to Tik Tok

@Pickles group

It all comes back to Tik Tok

I spent all weekend on pinterest, reading and watching art tik told and hogwarts houses as tik toks do not blame me

@Pickles group

It all comes back to Tik Tok

I spent all weekend on pinterest, reading and watching art tik told and hogwarts houses as tik toks do not blame me

art tiktoks are my life force

I feel even more untalented than when I started

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

People who own TikTok and make and watch TikToks: Lawful good
People who own TikTok and only watch TikToks: True Neutral
People who own TikTok and watch TikToks on YouTube: Chaotic evil.

Where do the folks w/o Tiktok fit?

You don't need tik tok to be a person

Wipes tear Thank you Pickles.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

To all the people that say Tris is afraid of birds: fuck off. She explicitly says she's not afraid of birds and realizes that it symbolizes her fear of losing control, and if you bothered to actually read, in future simulations, it shows up in different ways so take your little movie ass and go die in a ditch because divergent isn't that good and the movies are worse

Yeah, the setup for the first simulation isn't "eek scary crows!", it's "I'm tied up in a field having my skin picked off by birds and I can't fight back."

It may not be as crystal clear when you can't hear her thoughts but it's still pretty clear and if my dad (who likes the Percy Jackson movies, I might point out) can understand that, so can you, you illiterate fuck

I am 100% here for this.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

when you're singing at the top of your lungs cause you thought you were home alone but then you realize you're not and both your dad and older brother could most likely hear you and could definitely tell those weren't the songs you were asked to sing for church


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

People who own TikTok and make and watch TikToks: Lawful good
People who own TikTok and only watch TikToks: True Neutral
People who own TikTok and watch TikToks on YouTube: Chaotic evil.

Where do the folks w/o Tiktok fit?

You don't need tik tok to be a person

But most people who don't own a Tik Tok are also chaotic neutral.

I'm more of a True Neutral.

@Pickles group

People who own TikTok and make and watch TikToks: Lawful good
People who own TikTok and only watch TikToks: True Neutral
People who own TikTok and watch TikToks on YouTube: Chaotic evil.

Where do the folks w/o Tiktok fit?

You don't need tik tok to be a person

Wipes tear Thank you Pickles.

I'd say I'm somewhere between chaotic neutral and lawful good which is a very strange place to be

@Pickles group

People who own TikTok and make and watch TikToks: Lawful good
People who own TikTok and only watch TikToks: True Neutral
People who own TikTok and watch TikToks on YouTube: Chaotic evil.

Where do the folks w/o Tiktok fit?

You don't need tik tok to be a person

But most people who don't own a Tik Tok are also chaotic neutral.

I'm more of a True Neutral.

Mmmmhmmm mr I'd be a sociopathic serial killer if I didn't care about people

@Pickles group

Why is everyone talking about how Anna was so naive for agreeing to marry Hans instead of how gosh darn manipulating Hans was? Like, this little shit lied to her face and fed her the things he knew she wanted to hear and masterfully manipulated her into thinking they were made for each other? Shut up kristoff you don't know jack about love either and you haven't been locked up in a castle your whole life

Deleted user

Why is everyone talking about how Anna was so naive for agreeing to marry Hans instead of how gosh darn manipulating Hans was? Like, this little shit lied to her face and fed her the things he knew she wanted to hear and masterfully manipulated her into thinking they were made for each other? Shut up kristoff you don't know jack about love either and you haven't been locked up in a castle your whole life


@Pickles group

Why is everyone talking about how Anna was so naive for agreeing to marry Hans instead of how gosh darn manipulating Hans was? Like, this little shit lied to her face and fed her the things he knew she wanted to hear and masterfully manipulated her into thinking they were made for each other? Shut up kristoff you don't know jack about love either and you haven't been locked up in a castle your whole life


I decided to listen to the Broadway soundtrack a while ago and some of the stuff from love is an open door really stuck out to me, like "we finish each other's–" "sandwiches!" "Hey that's what I was gonna say!"
He was clearly about to say sentences, but Anna interrupts him and he plays it off as what he was going to say, which only increases the effect of his words
They constantly sing about how they're in sync and they think the same way and how they're made for each other and to her it's love and it's okay because he doesn't know anything about her either and he thinks it's love too and he has to know what it is
The audience doesn't know he's the villain either the first time. The whole "thirteenth in line for the throne" is why he's making this power play, but the audience AND Anna don't realize that. It just makes him more sympathetic to her because he's just like her– he gets to watch his brothers rule the kingdom and what does he get?

I have FEELINGS about this

Deleted user

Why is everyone talking about how Anna was so naive for agreeing to marry Hans instead of how gosh darn manipulating Hans was? Like, this little shit lied to her face and fed her the things he knew she wanted to hear and masterfully manipulated her into thinking they were made for each other? Shut up kristoff you don't know jack about love either and you haven't been locked up in a castle your whole life


I decided to listen to the Broadway soundtrack a while ago and some of the stuff from love is an open door really stuck out to me, like "we finish each other's–" "sandwiches!" "Hey that's what I was gonna say!"
He was clearly about to say sentences, but Anna interrupts him and he plays it off as what he was going to say, which only increases the effect of his words
They constantly sing about how they're in sync and they think the same way and how they're made for each other and to her it's love and it's okay because he doesn't know anything about her either and he thinks it's love too and he has to know what it is
The audience doesn't know he's the villain either the first time. The whole "thirteenth in line for the throne" is why he's making this power play, but the audience AND Anna don't realize that. It just makes him more sympathetic to her because he's just like her– he gets to watch his brothers rule the kingdom and what does he get?

I have FEELINGS about this

Hans is the worst villain

@Pickles group

He's such a different kind of cunning and manipulative from other Disney villains which is what makes him so GOOD at it. The fact that he can take the stuff he probably was taught about negotiation and how to get people to like you and put it to use in a way other than his brothers and the amount of research that must have gone into creating his character I just– chef's kiss wonderful

@saor_illust school


will someone please tell me how to actually change it back to english and not just give me a link with outdated information? cough cough spotify's actual "help link" is still outdated

Deleted user


will someone please tell me how to actually change it back to english and not just give me a link with outdated information? cough cough spotify's actual "help link" is still outdated

I hated Spotify when I didn’t have premium because my god, why wait to skip songs when I’m so fucking picky???