forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

A quick search has revealed that that child died from cardiac arrest when his wife was giving birth in a whirlpool (?) and would've been fine if she had given birth conventionally. No one was charged with anything but that's what started people investigating his practices
It said he and his wife decided, but I'm not exactly sure if that means both of them or just one.
He's also dead now

@Pickles group

He also got arrested for practicing medicine without a license and also made some pretty whacky claims
I'd definitely keep researching but if you want, you could tell your mom what you found and ask her to help you do more research. I think asking her for help would come off better than you going to her with a bunch of stuff you found

@Pickles group

It was called a "whirlpool bath". I think it's like a fancy bathtub or something? It looks like something that would be advertised to old people ngl

@Pickles group

I'm reading a book where the main character is going on a Quest just so she can go back to reading for the rest of eternity and she's just so done with everything and ahh I love it even though it's probably a little too young for me


things that happened at my school valentines day dance last night:

  • a girl got trampled on in the mosh pit and left in a wheelchair
  • a kid went crowd surfing
  • people threw open water bottles in the air and when they landed, they sprayed on everyone
  • there was a remix of sweet caroline
  • there was a mormon train
  • the deans granddaughter had a dance off with somebody
  • my friend did the worm four times in a row and then humped the floor
  • my friend got ditched by the guy who took her to the dance, and then found him making out with some girl
  • the chinese kids stood in a corner playing games on their phones
  • these sixth grade boys proposed to each other with a ring pop and the guy said yes
  • a sixth grader twerked on an eighth grader
  • this guy spent the entire dance with his boyfriend watching descendants 3 and crying over cameron boyce
  • my friend got her ass groped and slapped three times
  • me and the same girl got grinded on by the same guy with a hard on
  • my friend cried for 35 minutes because i got grinded on
  • the deans graddaughter twerked on teacher
  • my history teacher who ran the snack table danced to old town road
  • there was a line for the girls bathroom that lasted an hour
  • at least five girls got dumped
  • a girl cried because her boyfriend got a valentines gram from her best friend
    i fucking hate school dances

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

So here's the story: My crush and I are both in winter guard (she's on the varsity team, I'm on JV.) She's a junior, I'm a freshman, and we had four hour practices today (the day after v-day.) I wrote everybody little cards with nice things on them, they were all personalized, and I put inside my crush's that she is absolutely gorgeous and a lot of other stuff and I put a heart next to her name on the front. I just got home from practice, and I'm so worried. She's gorgeous, guys, what do I do if she doesn't like me? We're not super close, but she's really cool. I'm freaking out

Deleted user

Mir. What is wrong, dear?

I've thrown up aggressively

and fainted

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Y'all, I don't see her until wednesday since there's no school monday and we're on block scheduling so we have half our classes one day and the other half the other day. If she's early to varsity practice, I'll see her on tuesday, but I don't think she'll say anything to me. There's no way she likes me.

@HighPockets group

You probably have influenza b, my sister's had it for 2 weeks now and it makes you throw up a lot, and also feel faint. You should go to the doctor bc there's a lot of cases of it down by me.
And also a confirmed case of coronavirus in Madison, which is fun.

Deleted user

And also a confirmed case of coronavirus in Madison, which is fun.

are you sure???? I couldn't find anything

@HighPockets group

And also a confirmed case of coronavirus in Madison, which is fun.

are you sure???? I couldn't find anything

I mean that's what I've heard from the people around me

Deleted user

And also a confirmed case of coronavirus in Madison, which is fun.

are you sure???? I couldn't find anything

I mean that's what I've heard from the people around me

Hm… I can't find any articles. I sure as hell hope we don't have it here.

@The-Magician group

Oh hey Gasper!
Basically, what’s going on is the fact that someone in Europe has died because of the Coronavirus. Yes, that’s right people, the deaths have spread from China

Deleted user

Oh hey Gasper!
Basically, what’s going on is the fact that someone in Europe has died because of the Coronavirus. Yes, that’s right people, the deaths have spread from China

That is horrible.