forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

It's so strange to me that my friends know a person is bad and they don't, like… Break up with them?? I don't get it do you still like him?? What's happening??? I'm so confused
teenage girls are weird

Deleted user

lmao have you ever had that anxiety where someone’s not texting you really imperative information, so you’re battling with yourself whether or not you should call them?

Cus it’s like,

well, I need to know this so we can see each other tomorrow and I can know what time,


they could be doing something important? Talking to someone or they could be cleaning? it’s stupidly hard and i hate phone calls

Deleted user

Bro it’s because I don’t do my work. I have been starting to do it more consistently, it’s hard to because of my depression making me loose interest in everything and my ADHD distracting me. I’m trying more then I did.

Deleted user

I know

maybe if you actually put yourself forward and put the small amount of what you have left towards school and wanted to succeed, you’d feel better in not having to waste your time at Saturday school.

I feel like garbage, but I’m not there with you.

I’m currently fighting through my own stuff, but i’m not making excuses.

Deleted user

I’ve been trying my best to put in effort, I’ve forced myself to do my hobbies more, and when I give up, I switch to another. I have been doing more work. I’m not failing again.

Deleted user

If you keep doing work then you can stop bitching about Saturday school and know that you’ll be out soon, and hopefully never go back.


hate to interrupt the conversation but-
I just learned something quite terrifying that could severely hurt my family, friends, and nearly everyone I know, but I don’t know how to tell them and I really need advice.

Deleted user

hate to interrupt the conversation but-
I just learned something quite terrifying that could severely hurt my family, friends, and nearly everyone I know, but I don’t know how to tell them and I really need advice.

What’s wrong? What happened?


So, I’ve mentioned my mom’s scam oil business before, right?

Well, recently I stumbled across an overly detailed, extremely clear, and legitimately terrifying one hour documentary video thing on all the lawsuits and problems with this company/its founder

Not only is Gary Young - the guy my mom looked up to as a hero for years - a child murderer with a fake degree and multiple near-fatalities caused by him pretending to be a doctor, but the entire company is a massive lie?!

They price everything excessively high under the excuse that these are the purest, highest-quality oils you can get anywhere, with no additives and a Seed-To-Seal GuaranteeTM that means absolutely nothing when you think about it cause they own very little of their own farms
But they don’t even have that, they’ve had multiple lawsuits filed against them because a large majority of the oils contain the same fillers and chemicals that their dollar store competitors have, including toxic materials such as
unacceptable amounts of lead.

…We’ve been consuming large amounts of this crap for over five years now, my mom especially taking multiple expensive pills and weight loss supplements from the company, and cooking multiple oils into every meal she prepares.
We’re basically eating glorified perfume-

Nearly every product we own is from Young Living, our table cleaner, medicine, toothpaste, sunscreen, shampoo, bug spray, makeup, lotion, the list goes on and on…
Have we been poisoning ourselves this whole time???

And if that’s not scary enough, due to this being an MLM company, she’s signed up nearly everyone I know to this same shit
My sister’s a member, my grandma’s a member, my cousin’s a member, my best friend’s mom is a huge member, my choir teacher’s a member, my friend who may-or-may-not have a serious crush on my older brother is a member, and a majority of my mom’s friends were made from this oily journey.

…I just feel so bad, this whole situation is all my fault
She joined this company because 10-year-old me had suddenly developed a serious fear of toxic chemicals, causing me to have panicked meltdowns and avoid any situation where I’d be exposed to them in any way, a lot like I am with Suffer School now.
I was constantly washing my hands to the point where they cracked, bled, and caused me a lot of pain, and I was also refusing to clean the house, brush my teeth, go outside, pet the cats, take a shower, or even drink water from the sink after mom bleached it once
…So in my mother’s desperate attempt to help me go back to normal without murdering me because I was an absolute pain in the ass to take care of my god, she signed up to this company and bought me many thing, allowing me to semi-function like a human being.
I’ve since been her “oily” child, encouraging her throughout this whole thing, helping sign up her new members and plan classes, and being her “living success story”.

…I know I haven’t done anything but I still feel like I’ve betrayed her
I’m supposed to be supportive yet here I am…

Well anyway, I have to tell her about this, I can’t just watch as she unknowingly continues to hurt herself and her friends, but if I tell her she could either completely lose all the respect she had for me and stop inviting me to her oil parties (which are some of the only times I get to see my best friend) or believe me and stop using Young Living, which would be a serious devastating change for this family, since we rely on it so much for everything…

Not to mention she’s said multiple times to me that “I’m so glad you got over that chemical-iphobic phase, like, I’m sorry, but it took every last drop of my mom strength to not kill you, you were such an absolute pain in the ass that I didn’t know what to do with you”, but the truth is I never actually got over it-
I’m doing a lot better, but I’m still terrified of certain cleaners, and I’m scared that if she stops using Young Living, she’ll go back to those other toxic products, realize that I’m still just as awful as I used to be, and then start to hate me again, and I can’t deal with that right now, I don’t want to be locked in my room anymore-

What do I do???
No matter what happens, this could change everything and I’m scared out of my mind-
Am I overthinking this?
I’m definitely overthinking this


my mom’s company is selling us all poison and I don’t know how to tell her, please help-

@HighPockets group

If it has been proven, I think it's very important that you sit her down and slowly explain it to her, starting with the possible poisoning and ending with the child murder for pathos. Maybe even show her the documentary.


I don’t know if every detail is accurate since there’s so many problems brought up, but upon my own research, I can confirm that Gary’s firstborn child was killed when he purposefully left it in a pool of water for over an hour after birth, and his wife barely lived though the process, and the lead thing is definitely confirmed considering Young Living directly mentions it on their official website, saying it’s naturally found in some plants or soil, it’s not enough to cause harm, and they aren’t deliberately adding it to the oils

Not sure about the other claims yet