forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

would you rather pm it to me? I don't know you irl, so it's not like 1. I'll tell anyone or 2. I'll judge you at all <3

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Aight, guys. I need a tiny bit of help.

I need to convince my friend that I am not cutting myself. The worry sparked from the fact that I haven't shown my arms in well over a week, even when it's warm outside. So she accused me of cutting, and despite how many times I told her that I'm not, she won't believe me. But I can't prove her wrong by showing her my arms because I am hiding something under my sleeves, but I'm not cutting myself. Any ideas as to what to do?

Tell that you are hiding something, but it's not cutting, and you would approve if she didn't look into what the real thing was because it was private.

Deleted user

can I kind of vent about something unrelated that happened today that might make me sound like a creep

Go for it, Mir.

okay so basically one of my best friends lifted up her shirt today and I saw her bra, right?

well, {lord jesus I sound so creepyyyyy} I've seen her in bras before because we're best friends. But this bra was black and lacy.

sharp inhale

For those of you who don't know, I'm bi with an extreme preference for females. And I've never been attracted to this girl like that.

Maybe it's just me being a tEeNaGeR, but for anyone who is attracted to females, you know when you see something hot? Like a beautiful girl in a hot as fuck bra and you just kind of freeze?


I was honest with her and said "that's hot and I don't want to make things weird between us, put your shirt back down" and that was that.

But now I feel weird.

Like, a creep.

And just weird.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

can I kind of vent about something unrelated that happened today that might make me sound like a creep

Go for it, Mir.

okay so basically one of my best friends lifted up her shirt today and I saw her bra, right?
well, {lord jesus I sound so creepyyyyy} I've seen her in bras before because we're best friends. But this bra was black and lacy.
sharp inhale
For those of you who don't know, I'm bi with an extreme preference for females. And I've never been attracted to this girl like that.
Maybe it's just me being a tEeNaGeR, but for anyone who is attracted to females, you know when you see something hot? Like a beautiful girl in a hot as fuck bra and you just kind of freeze?
I was honest with her and said "that's hot and I don't want to make things weird between us, put your shirt back down" and that was that.

But now I feel weird.
Like, a creep.
And just weird.

Okay I totally feel you and think you did the right thing.

@Anemone eco

Aight, guys. I need a tiny bit of help.

I need to convince my friend that I am not cutting myself. The worry sparked from the fact that I haven't shown my arms in well over a week, even when it's warm outside. So she accused me of cutting, and despite how many times I told her that I'm not, she won't believe me. But I can't prove her wrong by showing her my arms because I am hiding something under my sleeves, but I'm not cutting myself. Any ideas as to what to do?

Tell that you are hiding something, but it's not cutting, and you would approve if she didn't look into what the real thing was because it was private.

Thanks, Dom.

@saor_illust school

you know, i just realized this.

so you guys know i usually have a pretty sunny personality, right? positive, always willing to help a friend out, right?
well, that's not always the case. even if i act really happy, there's a chance i might not actually be feeling that way. but, recently, i've come to the conclusion that might be a bad thing that i act this way. i'm always concealing my inner, non-happy feelings online, unless i really need to vent or am really scared.

so, i guess what i'm saying, is that i'd like your opinion on this.