forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

…So are you going to tell us what she is saying that has made you feel this way? Or are you going to keep it perviet private? It's up to you.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

So my mom and I have had a thing about me being on here.
She caught me over the weekend and we made a deal that I would try to get better at a few things concerning the internet and previous events.
Long story short, she gave me a solution for the main reason I came to notebook in the first place.
She bought me a subscription to World Anvil, a site similar to this one, but more expensive, and all your work is forcibly public unless you subscribe.

On to the now incident, it has been a really long day for me, and I spet the last three hours cleaning, and earlier I had a really.

@HighPockets group

…So are you going to tell us what she is saying that has made you feel this way? Or are you going to keep it perviet private? It's up to you.


Deleted user

so tehere's going t o be a lot of typos in this because I am genuinely only now getting vack feelings in my hands

my best friends and i decide to go to art club right? so I tell my brother to tell my mom to pick me up when it's over. well, turns out he never told her, because it was late and my mom is never late at least not thisi late. So i start walking, i'm only two blocks from the school so i t wasn't hard. But I soonrealize nobody is home and I don't havea key. I call my mom. No answer. Of course, then my fucking phone dies. so i'm stck out in BELOW ZERO TEMPERATURES WITH ONLY A THIN COAT AND NO OAY TO GET INSIDE ANYWHERE. I try to break into my own garage. My neighbors, gone on vacation, don't have our key where tjey usally do. the windows won't open. I sit in the shed whichm dorsn't have a door trying not to freeze to death. I remember m brother is playing band at the school tonight. I walk back to the school. Nobody. I stay inside for a bit to try to warm up bc at this point i'm literally so cold I'm dizzy. I start wlking back, my lips bleeding i'm shaking nd my face and hands have no feeling. My mom drives by on a goose hunt for me sees me and immediately starts yelling at me about "not pulling something like this again" and now i'm in by bed under six blankets including a heated one and a giant heater and I'm still shivering and barely able to type this. how is this my faukt? Idk. But the girl who nearly got hypothermia is to blame and my mom is pissed.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

…So are you going to tell us what she is saying that has made you feel this way? Or are you going to keep it perviet private? It's up to you.


I'm getting there, I got interrupted again.

@Anemone eco

…So are you going to tell us what she is saying that has made you feel this way? Or are you going to keep it perviet private? It's up to you.


I'm getting there, I got interrupted again.


@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

So my mom and I have had a thing about me being on here.
She caught me over the weekend and we made a deal that I would try to get better at a few things concerning the internet and previous events.
Long story short, she gave me a solution for the main reason I came to notebook in the first place.
She bought me a subscription to World Anvil, a site similar to this one, but more expensive, and all your work is forcibly public unless you subscribe.

On to the now incident, it has been a really long day for me, and I spet the last three hours cleaning, and earlier I had a really.

-Really hard workout in fitness so my muscles are also sore. I'm also a little panicked at the fact that my extremely religeous grandparents will be over tomorrow and I actually like them but I don't know what mom told them about our conflict, (Probably nothing but still) And I'm missing school tomorrow and tuesday and Monday is a holiday and Friday is a Strike day, (Yes I know, 2 day week… but I'm falling behind because of the days I'm skipping and it's not even 3 weeks into the new semester)

So, Me having finally sat down after making food for me and the sibling who don't like the meal planned for tonight, I get called by mom to make food for the rest in the tone that ALWAYS irks me especially when I'm tired.
I go to make said food, and I ask someone to wash the dish I need to make it because I really ant a chance to let my aching feet rest, (I also walk to school and back, and most of my lunch was spent scrubbing blue bins for my school's Environmental club)
I get told off for it, (Understandable) but then my mom says something about how her business (She's a single stay at home mom, and the reason she can't make dinner is because of a sudden client crisis) is paying for "my little worldbuilding thing". I understand she's also tired and stressed out, since she was also cleaning most of the day, and afternoon, and rearranged the kitchen too, but SERIOUSLY??? Was that jab really necessary?????
I literally spent the next 20 minutes holding back tears and trying to control my own feelings so I wouldn't lash out and get in more trouble and promptly started crying before I got back to my room.

Then add on that I was planning to worldbuild in order to relax and work on some ideas, using World Anvil, and now I physically cannot bring myself to look at the site for the moment.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I really really wanted to finally plan out all the details of my new set of species and now I can't even bring myself to look at ANY of my worldbuilding so whywhywhywhywhwhywhy the FUCK do I feel like this after a simple comment????????

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

That was a very impartial vent. Good for you for your empathy and understanding under hard circumstances.

Though actually I'm still on the verge of tears, ALSO if I get caught on here again I might actually lose all my tech privledges.

Deleted user

can I kind of vent about something unrelated that happened today that might make me sound like a creep

@Anemone eco

Aight, guys. I need a tiny bit of help.

I need to convince my friend that I am not cutting myself. The worry sparked from the fact that I haven't shown my arms in well over a week, even when it's warm outside. So she accused me of cutting, and despite how many times I told her that I'm not, she won't believe me. But I can't prove her wrong by showing her my arms because I am hiding something under my sleeves, but I'm not cutting myself. Any ideas as to what to do?

Deleted user

Aight, guys. I need a tiny bit of help.

I need to convince my friend that I am not cutting myself. The worry sparked from the fact that I haven't shown my arms in well over a week, even when it's warm outside. So she accused me of cutting, and despite how many times I told her that I'm not, she won't believe me. But I can't prove her wrong by showing her my arms because I am hiding something under my sleeves, but I'm not cutting myself. Any ideas as to what to do?

well, what are you hiding?