forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


i've decided i'm going to start a service like uber eats
but instead of paying people to bring food to you
they bring big huggles
and you pay them with more huggles
then spend a couple hours just hugging and talking and eating food and being friends-
that sounds like a service i would use
who can i hire

Deleted user

Thanks, Dom, I’m gonna need the most luck I can get right now.

I’m definitely in on the Uber Hug System

@Pickles group

Awwwwww a car outside made a noise and one of the kids I'm watching ran up and asked if it was a monster he's so cute I'm ded
one of the few times I don't hate kids

@saor_illust school

i have come to vent about schoolwork

i was sick for two days and i miss critical classwork in history that i now have to make up at home by tomorrow, which seems easy, but it's really not not when you're that good at procrastination

i have english homework that i have to finish by friday, and i'm going to have to force myself to do it, because i'm not going to do it willingly

i have a test in science on friday and i don't want to do it but i have to study oh wow look at this pitiful child who doesn't actually know a thing about studying

@Anemone eco

I know I'm late, but do your work, Izzy. It will only benefit you to do it in the end. Procrastinating does pretty much nothing for you.

Deleted user

Weather: Is below zero, can give you frostbite in a matter of minutes
My mom: I could drive you, but I won't. Walk to school.

Deleted user

My class is getting me in a very pissy and aggressive mod, I want to kill someone then myself