forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

pardon me, i highkey need to vent:

i hate this so muchhhhhh
why is this school concert so much more stressful than the other concert i literally had sunday??? i mean, we were playing like much harder music but nuuuuu my brain decides to make this one the more stressful one

and hhhhhh i messed up so badlyyyyyyy and even worse i'm on the outside because,,, well i don't wanna feel like im bragging but concertmaster sits first chair, right? so that's me uh,,, yeah,,,

and also this was my first big concert as concertmaster and just- ughhhhhh i was so hecking nervous and much stressed.

Deleted user

Hi! I’m here with an extremely petty rant.

So I’ve been having a series of very shitty days. My days usually end at school by meeting my bf at his locker and sharing a hug that usually cheers me up enough for anything.

Great, right?

Yeah I haven’t been able to do that. We have this extremely irritating “third wheel” who follows him out of his last mod class, and he’s been doing it since Monday, which also happened to be the first day I started feeling like absolute garbage (for reasons I will not disclose here).

I told Nate I don’t like it. Straight up. Don’t fucking let him follow you or I won’t meet you anymore.

Fucker still appeared after school at his locker with him! Fo no reason!!!! I’M NOT CRYING TEARS OF ABSOLUTE FRUSTRATION YOU ARE!!!


i need a hug so bad right now

and i have not been getting them

so fuck i guess

Deleted user

^^^^^^ Yea who cares if the other guy is there? Just hug the dude

Deleted user

Okay I would but he just joins in?? Or like last time where he “tenderly” stroked his shoulder which was like???

Idk I know I’m overreacting but I am not having it


ignore me

Deleted user

I’ll politely rip my hair out and scream at him, or just in general, rip my hair out and scream until I can’t anymore.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Try politely telling him to just not do tht anymore, leave it, then if he keeps doing it, get mad and see if that works.
It's a method that usually works for me, so…. It should work?

Deleted user

But you see, I already did. I told Nate, even, that if he himself doesn’t tell this third wheel that the joke’s 1) not funny anymore and 2) really not appreciated by this one, I’ll tell him, and neither of them don’t want that to happen (they just don’t know it yet).

So I’m just too exhausted to get in a fight so I’m just gonna not bother anymore.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

That's not cool….
Offer's hugs
Is it bad I wanna slap some sense into both of them because if I knew you IRL I'm pretty sure it would be really obvious how uncomfy that situation is.

Deleted user

Well, exactly how I’m feeling except I can actually do it, but if I slapped Nate with actual malice I’d feel bad instantly, which is not something I need right now.

So I’m just accepting internet hugs after a very good fried chicken meal. Fried chicken is excellent comfort food btw. Also looking forward to Saturday where I can actually spend time with said boyfriend and relax and become happy and yes. small goals, Emi. small goals… reach Friday without ruining the foundation of your grades…

screaming into the void, everyone.