forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I can't remember the name of this feeling so I'll just have to explain it:
That feeling when everything around you is happy and bustling but you can't engage in any of it. And when you try to take part, you just end up feeling worse because you truly can't enjoy any of the happiness around you.

@HighPockets group

A fellow D'angelo Wallace fan? I see you are a person of culture as well!!
I watched that earlier and was absolutely disgusted. Did you see the video on his other channel about Tik Tok mistreating creators who are disabled, POC, or LGBTQ+? It's infuriating, but not nearly as bad as this is. I just-
A teenager died and their goal was to preserve their public image. Someone who was practically a child killed himself on livestream and they didn't bother to call any sort of emergency number (I'm not sure how he did it, but depending on the method, rapid treatment could have saved him), or reach out to the people who just saw someone they were fans of die in real time, on camera. They wanted to keep looking good and just kept it under wraps. Fuck Tik Tok, honestly.


im on tumblr.
and this guy is drawing comics for my fave ship. and i
just love how they portray the characters and their plots!!!!!!

Deleted user

I'm currently eating ice cream for breakfast

If that tells you anything about my current state

@Pickles group

I spent probably four hours on a drawing (copied from ye old internet as usual) for my bullet journal trying to make it look perfect only to realize that half of it is way too big and I have to make it all smaller stupid hat

Deleted user

I will not do the PACCER test, go fuck yourself gym, I’m not doing that. I want to draw my husbando Will in peace.


well, it could mean many things, maybe you’re sad and need edible comfort, perhaps you’ve decided you don’t give a care anymore and are gonna do what you want, or you might just be extremely happy and living your life to the fullest

…it could also mean that you were hungry and decided to eat ice cream for breakfast cause that’s what sounded good
who knows really

@The-Magician group


Getting professional help from a doctor, or a school or college nurse will give your friend the best chance of getting better. But this can be one of the most difficult steps for someone suffering from an eating disorder, so try to encourage them to seek help or offer to go along with them.

You can support them in other ways, too:

  • Keep trying to include them – they may not want to go out or join in with activities, but keep trying to talk to them and ask them along, just like before. Even if they don't join in, they will still like to be asked. It will make them feel valued as a person.
  • Try to build up their self-esteem – perhaps by telling them what a great person they are and how much you appreciate having them in your life.
  • Give your time, listen to them and try not to give advice or criticize – this can be tough when you don't agree with what they say about themselves and what they eat. Remember, you don't have to know all the answers. Just making sure they know you're there for them is what's important. This is especially true when it feels like your friend is rejecting your friendship, help and support.


Okay I don’t know where to scream this cause it’s more of a happy vent but doesn’t really fit in the happy venting space but I still have to say it somewhere in order to not blow up
I’ll probably delete it after I post to avoid clutter


Like seriously, I’m so stupidly happy I feel like I could explode, even though it’s not even confirmed yet…

Tomorrow was supposed to be the worst day throughout the entire suffer year and it might get postponed a whole week -

(I know postponed isn’t necessarily as good as canceled, since I still might have to go, but this at least gives me a bit longer, i mean,
After the funeral and everything, I just…
I need some time to rest.
I can only take so much at a time, and having this not be a problem anymore would be such a massive relief-)

Please, god, let it snow
I’ll do anything…


my friend is a trans guy and today we had a scoliosis screening at school and the girls and boys were seperated and they wouldnt let him in the guys room, even by himself
he was so uncomfortable and started crying later and I HATE THIS SCHOOL