forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

How do you tell your friend that you're questioning your gender…

Deleted user

Depressive spiral check peace signs with tears streaking down my face

@Pickles group

Definitely shouldn't have used Fridays snow day as an excuse to not start my homework because now I have extra stuff and a bunch of projects that are still due tomorrow. Plus the stuff that was due Friday
Doing great

Deleted user

There's something so weird about being homicidal. Like, people say "Oh, you wouldn't." But the thing is, I really would kill someone and I don't even need a motive. I just want to crush something.

@Pickles group

Kinda gross if you're squeamish but I just found this out and…


I'm about to vent. So, This past weekend, I went to Texas for 30 hours for a family member's 70th birthday. Well, I got a free hat (Yay)< but I freaking got alcohol spilled on me, I got weird food that I didn't like, I wasn't allowed to leave until past midnight, and right when I was about to fall asleep, a group of really drunk people came and were screaming on our floor. It was around 2am and it didn't stop until 7, after we called 911. So, no sleep that night. Then our flight back home was supposed to leave at 5, but it got delayed and ended up leaving at 1 am. I got back around 4am and was doing my homework until it was time to go to school. And now I am in school, and I failed 2 major tests so I have to stay in during lunch to do revisions, I have to do an interview for a project, and I have to bring like 80 things for a photoshoot. I have another major maths quiz on Thursday, so I'm staying after school for a study session. I have officer duties for like three clubs I'm in so more after school for that. I have painters coming to our house today and tomorrow so I can't even be home on the two days I can stay after school. And I don't have a car so It's not like I can even leave. I also have an essay due on Monday. I have to work on mine and my cousin's Renaissance Faire costumes that are in two weeks, and I have a choir practice, which is 5 hours (2 hours longer than usual) and It is our last one before I go to California for another weekend to record, where I will miss a day and probably repeat this vicious cycle over again. I am very tired and hungry and want to die. So I decided to vent to you to save my girlfriend from me talking her ear off.

@saor_illust school

don't you just love it when there's a threat at the highschool literally one block away from your school and so a two-hour delay turns into school cancelled and you're worried that you might have to stay the whole day because your dad hates phones and so when you call he doesn't pick up? (what i wanted to vent like five minutes ago but thank goodness he got the email so now i'm at home)