forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


God I hate when people criticize my music taste, like YOU AREN’T LISTENING TO IT. You aren’t the one listening to Love-Sadkid on repeat to ease your pain, so your opinion is invalid now. You aren’t the one listening to Headhaunter or Lofi Boy on repeat, so stop telling me my music sucks. Ok, end rant.

>me when people try to tell me Tokio Funka "isn't perfect" and that me listening to different versions for the past 3 years without ever getting sick of it is "a little weird"

Deleted user

God I hate when people criticize my music taste, like YOU AREN’T LISTENING TO IT. You aren’t the one listening to Love-Sadkid on repeat to ease your pain, so your opinion is invalid now. You aren’t the one listening to Headhaunter or Lofi Boy on repeat, so stop telling me my music sucks. Ok, end rant.

>me when people try to tell me Tokio Funka "isn't perfect" and that me listening to different versions for the past 3 years without ever getting sick of it is "a little weird"

Don’t know what that is or who it’s by but yes

@saor_illust school

right so i remembered something i was thinking about this morning…
so i have this really good friend who we call dave half the time and she (yes, she. don't question our life choices lol) and in science i suddenly realized that for the first time in so long i have come to the conclusion that i think i have real friends.

is it bad that i can't remember what it feels like to be carefree and ignorant while having real friends? because i've had so many toxic friends in the past i just- i can't really tell if someone's toxic or not anymore.

@saor_illust school

its 5am and i woke up early to cram studying for my japanese and science test and i am so tired

but also- japanese fwendo!
eyy taking japanese too aha

how much have you learned so far? like writing and vocab wise?

um… well i'm not really sure how to condense it into two or three sentences so i'll just say we've moved onto katakana?

@Pickles group

My solo's supposed to be in an hour but my accompanist is double booked so I'm gonna end up going in a little less than two hours and I'm terrified