forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

it's not me i'm worried about. it's what they would do to my friend and his parents if they found out where i was going…

Deleted user

i doubt your parents would get far with the police around. it's not like they can do anything extreme, right? if you're having that much of a bad time with them, then i suggest you leave them pronto mi amigo

@Pickles group

Sometimes I forget that people change. Not like, their appearance exactly, but that they grow as a person and their opinions change and thee way they talk changes and wow

Yeah. I totally feel that.

And like.. I forget that not everyone likes the people that I like

Deleted user

they can lie to the poliece and say either i ran away or they kidnapped me and since i dont have proof to say they are wrong…

@Pickles group

they can lie to the poliece and say either i ran away or they kidnapped me and since i dont have proof to say they are wrong…

maybe try saying.. I dunno… "They didn't kidnap me"

Deleted user

they can lie to the poliece and say either i ran away or they kidnapped me and since i dont have proof to say they are wrong…

maybe try saying.. I dunno… "They didn't kidnap me"

saying it doesn't mean anything here…

Deleted user

i think that the police is obligated to listen to you according to the law- that is if you live in the U.S.

Deleted user

I hated my pixie cut.
I only dealt with it because I donated all of my hair in honor of my grandmamma.

I feel like I look good with mine

But honestly

I'm still ugly

shrug It helps with dysphoria though

@Pickles group

they can lie to the poliece and say either i ran away or they kidnapped me and since i dont have proof to say they are wrong…

maybe try saying.. I dunno… "They didn't kidnap me"

saying it doesn't mean anything here…

yeah well they don't have any proof you were kidnapped and it's literally your word as well as your friend's family's against your parents, plus all the stuff about them being shitty


So, uhh…
I’m going to my friend’s funeral tomorrow…

and well…
funerals always have this ability to absolutely tear me apart for long periods of time-
so if I seem a little down for the next week or so and don’t feel like talking much, that’d be why.
sorry about that…

Deleted user

So, uhh…
I’m going to my friend’s funeral tomorrow…

and well…
funerals always have this ability to absolutely tear me apart for long periods of time-
so if I seem a little down for the next week or so and don’t feel like talking much, that’d be why.
sorry about that…

Honestly, same. Funerals are hard on anyone.

@Pickles group

Sometimes I forget that people change. Not like, their appearance exactly, but that they grow as a person and their opinions change and they way they talk changes and wow

What caused this to happen?

Just random stuff

Deleted user

God I hate when people criticize my music taste, like YOU AREN’T LISTENING TO IT. You aren’t the one listening to Love-Sadkid on repeat to ease your pain, so your opinion is invalid now. You aren’t the one listening to Headhaunter or Lofi Boy on repeat, so stop telling me my music sucks. Ok, end rant.

Deleted user

minors aren't believen as much as adults here

well your friend's dad is an adult

i know…