forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


You both don't need it because you are wonderful beans

Can confirm. Me, on the other hand–

I would steal ya'lls ability to be a wonderful bean anyday because ya'll got a lot to go around and I feel like ya'll are honestly just hoarding it

@Pickles group

You both don't need it because you are wonderful beans

Can confirm. Me, on the other hand–

I would steal ya'lls ability to be a wonderful bean anyday because ya'll got a lot to go around and I feel like ya'll are honestly just hoarding it

I'm slowly siphoning it off of my friends. Could be why all of us have so little

Deleted user

it’s not even midday and ruby’s dad has already tried to seduce me twice this is hell

@Pickles group

it’s not even midday and ruby’s dad has already tried to seduce me twice this is hell

Is there something you can do about it? Someone you can tell or something? Because that's not okay
Like, at all

Deleted user

am I the only one that feels weak for taking pain medication?

me all the time though

@HighPockets group

am I the only one that feels weak for taking pain medication?

You're not weak for not wanting to avoid feeling like your body is trying to kill you.


@Pickles group

I just always feel like a wimp because it's not like I've actually been shot or stabbed. And I'm still able to go out and do things, so comparatively how bad can it really be??


I just always feel like a wimp because it's not like I've actually been shot or stabbed. And I'm still able to go out and do things, so comparatively how bad can it really be??

Hey, a problem is a problem and pain is pain, so if it hurts it's totally fine to take pain meds for it.
Also if you were shot or stabbed you'd need a lot more than pain medicine.