forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

"In some cases, the person represents a feeling that you want or had in your life. You may keep dreaming about them because your subconscious wants you to have that feeling again. In other cases, the person represents a quality you want in your life. For example, imagine that you continue to dream about a former crush"


Deleted user

"According to DreamDictionary, if you're dreaming about your crush on an ongoing basis, it means that not only are you probably thinking about them during the day, but you also have a desire to express your true feelings to them, and your subconscious is telling you to just go for it already"

That's a no from me


I need to have an essay outline on a book with no plot tomorrow.
I legit cannot get my thought process to work on this.

What book?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
It literally has no plot after chapter five…

The literal plot is No Plot

Deleted user

“I got some college emails but then you tell me that you got some too, meaning everyone’s getting them!”

“Nate… you-you probably got more than I did to be honest. I think you’re being hysterical.”

(this conversation lead Nate to the depths of despair)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Australia's Bird Eating Spider. It is Australia's largest spider and can grow bigger than a man's hand. It can make hissing and whistling sounds so it has also picked up the nicknames “barking spider” and “whistling spider”.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

idk what this vent is but I'm doing it anyway and there's a lot of feelings so buckle up kids

First of all I am feeling very strong feelings I get a distinct feeling in my chest or stomach when I'm feeling really strong feelings and I'm feeling that now but idk what the fuck they are. I feel totally normal otherwise and I hate it. Wish I knew wtf was going on there.

Also. I just want privacy. I don't want to have to make sure I have everything deleted every night before I go to bed in case my mom looks through my phone. I want to be able to text my internet friends around my mom without fear of her looking over my shoulder and ask who I'm texting. I want to plug my phone in at night in my own room for fucks sake. I'm gonna be in college in like eight months. I'm gonna be a legal adult in five. And yet my mom doesn't trust me. She doesn't say it explicitly but why the fuck wouldn't she let me plug my phone in in my room if she didn't trust me?

I feel like I'm never gonna get all my school work done by the 14th. And my mom doesn't believe in me and I don't even blame her because who the fuck knows if I'll get it done. I might fucking not. I want to but lets fucking face it. I have the worst fucking work ethic.

Rant over.

I just wanna say that I feel you with the privacy thing. I personally always feel trapped because I can't vent to my IRL friends unless its face to face, because my mom reads my messages, and I can't do anything on my personal google account because my mom has the password…
She won't let me have my own passwords until I'm eighteen or buy my own internet. She won't even let me have any freedom at school either, insisting on me taking certain courses or doing projects acertain way.


idk what this vent is but I'm doing it anyway and there's a lot of feelings so buckle up kids

First of all I am feeling very strong feelings I get a distinct feeling in my chest or stomach when I'm feeling really strong feelings and I'm feeling that now but idk what the fuck they are. I feel totally normal otherwise and I hate it. Wish I knew wtf was going on there.

Also. I just want privacy. I don't want to have to make sure I have everything deleted every night before I go to bed in case my mom looks through my phone. I want to be able to text my internet friends around my mom without fear of her looking over my shoulder and ask who I'm texting. I want to plug my phone in at night in my own room for fucks sake. I'm gonna be in college in like eight months. I'm gonna be a legal adult in five. And yet my mom doesn't trust me. She doesn't say it explicitly but why the fuck wouldn't she let me plug my phone in in my room if she didn't trust me?

I feel like I'm never gonna get all my school work done by the 14th. And my mom doesn't believe in me and I don't even blame her because who the fuck knows if I'll get it done. I might fucking not. I want to but lets fucking face it. I have the worst fucking work ethic.

Rant over.

I just wanna say that I feel you with the privacy thing. I personally always feel trapped because I can't vent to my IRL friends unless its face to face, because my mom reads my messages, and I can't do anything on my personal google account because my mom has the password…
She won't let me have my own passwords until I'm eighteen or buy my own internet. She won't even let me have any freedom at school either, insisting on me taking certain courses or doing projects acertain way.

Most internet stuff has private viewing mode so if u want to make your own profile on things early use that

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah, but the fact that she has my personal google account password is that means that any other accounts linked to that email can be accessed through the "forgot password" feature.


Yeah, but the fact that she has my personal google account password is that means that any other accounts linked to that email can be accessed through the "forgot password" feature.

Create another email that’s what I did