forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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i'm sorry mir but that quote just screams I'm Fourteen And This Is DeepTM energy and for the good of your future self i'd really advise you to not

oooooooooooh honey

  1. I'm not 14?????????? 14 is not my age lmao
  2. …You'd advise me to not… Hate myself?? Because I'm trying not to
  1. I know you aren't 14. it's in reference to a subreddit dedicated to "deep" posts, such as Phone Bad Book Good, Billie Goat Pickle Relish song lyrics, etc. (example below)

  2. I'm talking about sending the quote to The Dude. Please don't. Trust me, you're going to look back on it in 5 years (or less) and think to yourself "why the heck did i think that was a good idea".
    ~Sincerely, someone who's still severely embarrassed from all the "deep" things i said to other people during that phase


That's good advice Ella! And Blurry, just make sure you don't do anything, like Ella said, that you'd regret later, or that really isn't necessary and is mainly just an impulse. I don't know the full story but still.

Deleted user

What's going on? Are you okay? It's not drama if there's an actual problem going on.

My mother constantly degrades me, yells at me, and tells me that all my mental illnesses are just a game so I don't have to do anything.
I cried myself to sleep two days this week cause she yelled at me.

@Pickles group

I don't know how to pet dogs
Their tongues are unnaturally smooth
They smell
But they're kinda cute
Also I got a bag of veggie straws today and it's supposed to have three servings in it
I'm almost done with it. This can't be healthy

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I need to have an essay outline on a book with no plot tomorrow.
I legit cannot get my thought process to work on this.

What book?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
It literally has no plot after chapter five…

I agreee. Still, it's a good book.

Yes but still… how do I write a persuasive formal essay on this book????
Even worse… I'm the one who dug myself into this mess because I chose the novel! Screams


What's going on? Are you okay? It's not drama if there's an actual problem going on.

My mother constantly degrades me, yells at me, and tells me that all my mental illnesses are just a game so I don't have to do anything.
I cried myself to sleep two days this week cause she yelled at me.

That's unholy, I'm sorry. My mom does similar things with pretending that I have no feelings and that her verbal abuse isn't a thing.

@Moxie group

idk what this vent is but I'm doing it anyway and there's a lot of feelings so buckle up kids

First of all I am feeling very strong feelings I get a distinct feeling in my chest or stomach when I'm feeling really strong feelings and I'm feeling that now but idk what the fuck they are. I feel totally normal otherwise and I hate it. Wish I knew wtf was going on there.

Also. I just want privacy. I don't want to have to make sure I have everything deleted every night before I go to bed in case my mom looks through my phone. I want to be able to text my internet friends around my mom without fear of her looking over my shoulder and ask who I'm texting. I want to plug my phone in at night in my own room for fucks sake. I'm gonna be in college in like eight months. I'm gonna be a legal adult in five. And yet my mom doesn't trust me. She doesn't say it explicitly but why the fuck wouldn't she let me plug my phone in in my room if she didn't trust me?

I feel like I'm never gonna get all my school work done by the 14th. And my mom doesn't believe in me and I don't even blame her because who the fuck knows if I'll get it done. I might fucking not. I want to but lets fucking face it. I have the worst fucking work ethic.

Rant over.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that type of fuckery, Moxie. Is there any way for you to talk to her about maybe backing off or explaining herself?

@Moxie group

Dude. That happened. And I know you knew it was gonna happen but it still sucks. I can't be there for you irl but if you ever ever need to vent to me, I'm here for you. I'm sorry I can't do more. And maybe try asking the people close to you if you can vent. They may be dealing with their own things but maybe they have the mental space to talk to you. Or maybe they don't. But you won't know until you ask.

And you are not just being needy or attention seeking. You are hurting and feeling real pain. You are allowed to do that.

And the fact that other people are suffering more does not invalidate your pain. There is always going to be someone thats hurting more than you but it doesn't mean that you aren't hurting any less. Because it's your pain. And you're processing it and feeling it at your own pace. You're allowed to write words to express your pain. Thats the least you're allowed to do. Everything you're feeling is normal and you're allowed to feel it all.

@Moxie group

I'm sorry you have to deal with that type of fuckery, Moxie. Is there any way for you to talk to her about maybe backing off or explaining herself?

Thank you. And no, not really. I'd list the reasons but it'd make me too sad to think about them right now.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that type of fuckery, Moxie. Is there any way for you to talk to her about maybe backing off or explaining herself?

Thank you. And no, not really. I'd list the reasons but it'd make me too sad to think about them right now.

That's fair enough.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

idk what this vent is but I'm doing it anyway and there's a lot of feelings so buckle up kids

First of all I am feeling very strong feelings I get a distinct feeling in my chest or stomach when I'm feeling really strong feelings and I'm feeling that now but idk what the fuck they are. I feel totally normal otherwise and I hate it. Wish I knew wtf was going on there.

Also. I just want privacy. I don't want to have to make sure I have everything deleted every night before I go to bed in case my mom looks through my phone. I want to be able to text my internet friends around my mom without fear of her looking over my shoulder and ask who I'm texting. I want to plug my phone in at night in my own room for fucks sake. I'm gonna be in college in like eight months. I'm gonna be a legal adult in five. And yet my mom doesn't trust me. She doesn't say it explicitly but why the fuck wouldn't she let me plug my phone in in my room if she didn't trust me?

I feel like I'm never gonna get all my school work done by the 14th. And my mom doesn't believe in me and I don't even blame her because who the fuck knows if I'll get it done. I might fucking not. I want to but lets fucking face it. I have the worst fucking work ethic.

Rant over.

I really feel this, dude. It sucks. I have no advice because I know how hard this is. But hang in there bro.

Also. You know this as well as I do. You're not lazy. You have an issue that is not your fault and is out of your control.

@Pickles group

Also I got a bag of veggie straws today and it's supposed to have three servings in it
I'm almost done with it. This can't be healthy

Of course it's healthy. They're veggies!

I mean because I ate three servings
And apparently they aren't healthy


idk what this vent is but I'm doing it anyway and there's a lot of feelings so buckle up kids

First of all I am feeling very strong feelings I get a distinct feeling in my chest or stomach when I'm feeling really strong feelings and I'm feeling that now but idk what the fuck they are. I feel totally normal otherwise and I hate it. Wish I knew wtf was going on there.

Also. I just want privacy. I don't want to have to make sure I have everything deleted every night before I go to bed in case my mom looks through my phone. I want to be able to text my internet friends around my mom without fear of her looking over my shoulder and ask who I'm texting. I want to plug my phone in at night in my own room for fucks sake. I'm gonna be in college in like eight months. I'm gonna be a legal adult in five. And yet my mom doesn't trust me. She doesn't say it explicitly but why the fuck wouldn't she let me plug my phone in in my room if she didn't trust me?

I feel like I'm never gonna get all my school work done by the 14th. And my mom doesn't believe in me and I don't even blame her because who the fuck knows if I'll get it done. I might fucking not. I want to but lets fucking face it. I have the worst fucking work ethic.

Rant over.

  1. I get what you mean by feeling strongly but not knowing why. It happens all of the time where I'll start shaking a lot (a sign that I'm not feeling well mentally or very sad/mad) but I'm just sitting talking with my friend or just sitting at the computer. What normally works for me when that happens is thinking over anything that could make anxious/sad/mad in that situation and taking long, deep, breaths.
  2. I also have little to none privacy in my house, so I can totally relate to what you're saying. I mean, I'm only in 8th grade though so that's just silly that as someone going off to college (which is a feat of it's own and should show responsibility) can't plug their phone in their room. Otherwise I totally get the anxiety of parents going through your phone or asking who you're talking to/texting.
  3. That's no way to come at this situation. I know you're capable of great things just by seeing you on here, so I know you're capable of getting this work done. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself first. Get enough sleep, eat well, and stay as unstressed as possible.

@Mojack group

One of my teeth I chipped last year during August is now decaying; and you might be wondering why I didn’t get it fixed, well; I’m wondering that too. I thought I was going to get it fixed but apparently the other appointments I had were for different things.

Now it hurts like hell, I can’t close my mouth together without extreme pain and if I accidentally touch that tooth with the upper teeth, it still hurts quite a bit. I can’t sleep because of that as well. Can’t eat certain things either. I’m not sure if I can wait a week to get it extracted either.

There’s nothing I can really do about it right now. Advil does not relieve it (apparently it dulls the pain according to some people, but I just don’t notice it??) and the stuff I had only numbs it temporarily, so I’m hoping it’s not going to get any worse from here.


I've been sick for over two weeks and none of the medicine I have taken has noticeably done a single thing to help me. Ooooof sorry about your tooth ouch. I hate tooth injuries because it's like all you can think about >_< Sorry

Deleted user

We were just hanging out again

I think in both dreams we've been, like, together

As in a CoUpLe

Deleted user

I also got married to my best friend in my history classroom in the dream but that's a story for another day