forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Would you rather one creepy or an infestation of creepies? I'll take just one thanks…

however, Rachel clearly saw all three spiders enter the cave. She could’ve killed all three and had zero spiders as opposed to one

Deleted user

meh i don’t mind spiders

i just put them outside

Nate and like, everyone else I know are petrified of them (take a shot)

Deleted user

yep shot counts

idk how many tho

idk even know what I’m talking about lmao (shot x3)

Deleted user

I get online and I am immediately drunk because of this game. Christ

Deleted user

fuck me up sideways. Id be up FOR DAYS and having a mild anxiety attack ever few minutes. I love it.


henlo i came to vent a lil but spiders is more important-

i'm terrified of only two specific size ranges and the rest are chill
teeny bbies that you can barely see? precious bbies
the size of the end of my thumb or bigger? bIG 'OL NOPE
tarantulas tho? bbies. i lov them. i want a Cobalt Blue tarantula
that freaky possum eater? NO THANK-