forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Echo_6 group

Story time/ Happy vent thingy.
So there was this big fuzzy brown spider in the bathroom shower. It had made itself a little cave within some scrubbies that we didn't use on the top shelf. I called him "Little Monster." Because that's what he looked like. A little monster. Anyways, I told the girls that I would remove him later because at that moment he was disposing of a big ol fly that had been in the bathroom. And as I put off putting him outside I started to get attached to him. I started sitting in the bathroom just talking with Little Monster. He stayed in his cave only ever leaving to put his trash outside his cave. Anyways he was helping keep flies and ants out of the house, and I had decided not put him outside. Well there was one time that another big fuzzy spider went into Little Monster's cave. And I didn't see him for several days. Then I found the dead carcase of the other spider hung from a web in the middle of the bathroom ceiling, and Little Monster was sitting just outside of his cave as he usually does. (Now that I'm saying that out loud that was a little bit gruesome.) Then after a few weeks he really disappeared. It was almost a month and I hadn't seen him, and so I was sad because I was pretty sure that Little Monster was dead.
Almost two and a half months later, while I'm talking a shower, and this stupid tiny spider is making an attempt to fall into the shower. Climbing around right where Little Monster's cave was. Out of nowhere Little Monster pounced on the little spider and drug it back into his cave. All this time and he's still alive!
Also a little bit later that little spider's body was found strung up just outside Little Monster's cave.
And before anyone comments on it, yeah I'm a weird person and I'm proud of it. I freaking love Little Monster!

@saor_illust school

First off, degrading yourself by saying you’re an idiot isn’t going to do anything except make you feel worse.
You’re putting effort in because you care, and that effort should be reflected in the end result. Besides, I’ve rarely heard an artist view their own work and say, “Yeah, that was good.” It’s not going to be perfect, and that’s okay. Striving for perfectionism can be stressful and counterproductive, even.
You have to recognize that you’re making these cards for your birthday, you’re doing it for yourself, and if you’re not having fun in the process… drop it.
Oh and when’s your birthday?

it's the 21st
but thanks for the advice trix ^^

Deleted user

she said he can do whatever he wants to me and oh god-

call the police
for real ruby
this is serious

Yeah that sounds like a legitimate threat towards your physical and mental wellbeing and that s not okay


God I just got back from basically being in a fever dream and now there's abuse?! Please get help I hate that stuff so much. You gotta contact authorities of some kind, please be careful. Abuse can never be justified. Good luck!!!

sorry, was at work so didn't see this shit but i cant. i tried. i've tied everything. they just see me as a stupid teenager trying to get attention…

Then you haven't contacted the police. Because police never take an abuse case lightly.

Deleted user

my flight is at 8am i am not ready for this H E L L

Where are you going????

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Story time/ Happy vent thingy.
So there was this big fuzzy brown spider in the bathroom shower. It had made itself a little cave within some scrubbies that we didn't use on the top shelf. I called him "Little Monster." Because that's what he looked like. A little monster. Anyways, I told the girls that I would remove him later because at that moment he was disposing of a big ol fly that had been in the bathroom. And as I put off putting him outside I started to get attached to him. I started sitting in the bathroom just talking with Little Monster. He stayed in his cave only ever leaving to put his trash outside his cave. Anyways he was helping keep flies and ants out of the house, and I had decided not put him outside. Well there was one time that another big fuzzy spider went into Little Monster's cave. And I didn't see him for several days. Then I found the dead carcase of the other spider hung from a web in the middle of the bathroom ceiling, and Little Monster was sitting just outside of his cave as he usually does. (Now that I'm saying that out loud that was a little bit gruesome.) Then after a few weeks he really disappeared. It was almost a month and I hadn't seen him, and so I was sad because I was pretty sure that Little Monster was dead.
Almost two and a half months later, while I'm talking a shower, and this stupid tiny spider is making an attempt to fall into the shower. Climbing around right where Little Monster's cave was. Out of nowhere Little Monster pounced on the little spider and drug it back into his cave. All this time and he's still alive!
Also a little bit later that little spider's body was found strung up just outside Little Monster's cave.
And before anyone comments on it, yeah I'm a weird person and I'm proud of it. I freaking love Little Monster!

As much as I hate spiders and I would honestly be freaking out if I were you this is actually kinda awesome. (Spiders are nice as long as they're not in my personal space.

Deleted user