forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Don’t you love it when you can’t talk to people because you have anxiety so your dad calls you the r word

Like I don’t think you realize how offensive that actually is

He called you the WHAT word????? That is not good. At all. Not even to your kid
Where do you live? I'mma fight him
I already don't like him sorry

No don’t fight him

Also my family (not everyone just a couple people) says that word way too much and I don’t like it -_-

@Pickles group

Don’t you love it when you can’t talk to people because you have anxiety so your dad calls you the r word

Like I don’t think you realize how offensive that actually is

He called you the WHAT word????? That is not good. At all. Not even to your kid
Where do you live? I'mma fight him
I already don't like him sorry

No don’t fight him

Also my family (not everyone just a couple people) says that word way too much and I don’t like it -_-

Fite them

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My list is very short. It's Nie, Jay, Ella, and Dom. And occasionally Izzy and Miri
But I'm not going to meet any of you so it's fine

Ooh! I’m on the list!

My mood precisely aha

Also yes
You and Miri seem like the people that would know the right time to hug me when I'm upset
Because it's either a "don't touch me" or a "you're already touching me so fine- hey this is kind of nice" but the latter depends on the person. Sometimes I'm just like "get off me fool and be glad I can't punch or your whole face would be broken"

I probably would be decent at it. I am a very much hug the sad person guy.

@Pickles group

Can you be cold even though it’s hot and your sweating?

Yeah, I believe that's what they refer to as chills and it usually means you're sick or dehydrated

@Pickles group

My list is very short. It's Nie, Jay, Ella, and Dom. And occasionally Izzy and Miri
But I'm not going to meet any of you so it's fine

Ooh! I’m on the list!

My mood precisely aha

Also yes
You and Miri seem like the people that would know the right time to hug me when I'm upset
Because it's either a "don't touch me" or a "you're already touching me so fine- hey this is kind of nice" but the latter depends on the person. Sometimes I'm just like "get off me fool and be glad I can't punch or your whole face would be broken"

I probably would be decent at it. I am a very much hug the sad person guy.

Even if you weren't you'd still be on the list
Idk, it's like.. a certain personality or something
No idea what it is


Don’t you love it when you can’t talk to people because you have anxiety so your dad calls you the r word

Like I don’t think you realize how offensive that actually is

He called you the WHAT word????? That is not good. At all. Not even to your kid
Where do you live? I'mma fight him
I already don't like him sorry

No don’t fight him

Also my family (not everyone just a couple people) says that word way too much and I don’t like it -_-

Fite them

Well one of them is my 11-year-old cousin and I don’t think he really understands how offensive it is, and he says his sister taught it to him -_- But I have said like “yeah let’s not say that word ok”
And the other one is my dad…and it not like I can really tell him to stop

@saor_illust school

but like an actual vent
i just remembered this
so i had this like really weird dream
so some bkg it annoys me when there's just loose skin on me just waiting to be pulled off
so in this dream i had i was doing just that but somehow i pulled off like half the skin on my foot??

also is it weird that instead of trying to make an injury on my body not hurt as much i'll scratch a part of my skin not too far above it to "prevent" it from hurting?

@HighPockets group

Five Guys is good, not the best though.
There's a burger place in my town that s l a p s and that's the best burger.
Also Culvers burgers, those are great too!