forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

so i’m starting to think that i might be bi-ro and i Don’t Know How To Feel About This-

Dude, that's totally fine (that you think you might be biromantic and that you don't know how to feel). You're learning who you are, love. Take your time and remember we love you.


so i’m starting to think that i might be bi-ro and i Don’t Know How To Feel About This-

Well, I don't know what exactly you're feeling about it, but I say that this revelation is a cause for celebration. So uh… congratulations!


so i’m starting to think that i might be bi-ro and i Don’t Know How To Feel About This-

Don't worry, you're not alone. From a bi-ro asexual, it might be a little weird at first, but you soon will realize you aren't alone

@saor_illust school

i hate to bring up the whole nia thing again but
i got a fren on discord involved when i had that whole panic attack over a, well, i'm not gonna say it here bc i realise it could cause a potential argument and i'd like to avoid that but what it was, it was a complete and utter lie. and i still am upset about that, and will never forgive them for that. but that fren i mentioned, they've told me that they're dating nia now, and idk how to feel about it. i don't want them to get hurt like i did- kjsdlkjdfs i know i wouldn't have minded as much if it was the old nia we were talking about. the old nia was nice and friendly and didn't lie- didn't take me on an emotional rollercoaster…
i'm sorry yall, you can just ignore me ig

@saor_illust school

like i said, it was me who got them involved
the panic attack i mentioned
i came to them when i couldn't figure out what to do
that was the first and only time i had one
so i was not only panicking over a situation, i was also scared bc i didn't know what to do


Just a mild rant because my brain is incapable of giving me any emotions at the moment:

I received a beautiful leather-bound notebook with an engraving of the Tree of Life on the front. It has so many pages, all blank and ready for me to scribble away. Problem is, it's so beautiful and perfect, and I don't want to mess it up by filling it with utter nonsense.
… what the hell do I do with it?? Do I use it as a journal? Do I just use it for doodles? Do I use it as my back-up BOS? Do I use it to physically house my WIP's universe? Do I just use it for characters? Or ideas? Or dreams? Or visions?

Idk what to do and it's stressing me out cuz I really want to put it to good use, but I don't know which use, if any

Deleted user

like i said, it was me who got them involved
the panic attack i mentioned
i came to them when i couldn't figure out what to do
that was the first and only time i had one
so i was not only panicking over a situation, i was also scared bc i didn't know what to do

tell them not to???????

@saor_illust school

that's my problem
how do i say that i want them to break up with nia in the most polite way possible??
i'm really bad with words, but i don't want to hurt their feelings-

@The-Magician group

that's my problem
how do i say that i want them to break up with nia in the most polite way possible??
i'm really bad with words, but i don't want to hurt their feelings-

Didn't they ask you if they were allowed to date Nia?

@saor_illust school


to answer all your questions:
they know very well what nia did
i told them, i warned them
'nd they didn't
not at all
they just,,, kinda told me

@Pickles group


to answer all your questions:
they know very well what nia did
i told them, i warned them
'nd they didn't
not at all
they just,,, kinda told me

Fish mouth ummm
They know and they're just okay with it? Enough to DATE them??

Deleted user

wait didn’t jake just break up with her today


@Pickles group

wait didn’t jake just break up with her today


Yeah he said he was considering it because they're toxic and not good for him or something

@The-Magician group


to answer all your questions:
they know very well what nia did
i told them, i warned them
'nd they didn't
not at all
they just,,, kinda told me

Hold on—

  • They know what Nia did
  • You told them what Nia did
  • They didn't ask you about doing it, they kind of just did it out of the blue?