forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Any of you all ever just have a moment when your head is hurting so bad that you become irrational and convince yourself that slapping yourself in the head will make it better?


@Kie group

Potential huge ass vent coming later. I've been letting so much shit build up for over three years now and not many people get to hear the full of it so if I do decide to vent it'll be exclusive to Notebook because I don't want people I know IRL worrying.

Deleted user

Sometimes it helps a little

Band awards are starting oh noooo I already don't wanna do this I hate video calls

win all the awards

@Pickles group

Sometimes it helps a little

Band awards are starting oh noooo I already don't wanna do this I hate video calls

win all the awards

I can't, I'm a terrible person and like, ten people like me

Deleted user

Sometimes it helps a little

Band awards are starting oh noooo I already don't wanna do this I hate video calls

win all the awards

I can't, I'm a terrible person and like, ten people like me

I like you.
So steal all the awards because you know deep down that you deserve all of them

@Pickles group

Sometimes it helps a little

Band awards are starting oh noooo I already don't wanna do this I hate video calls

win all the awards

I can't, I'm a terrible person and like, ten people like me

I like you.
So steal all the awards because you know deep down that you deserve all of them

I mean in band. You don't count

Deleted user

Fair enough. But I'd steal awards for you band nerds

Deleted user

awww Eris

Awards don’t happen for me till my senior year

the award I’m going for right now is the savage pleasure of working hard enough to get drum major

Deleted user

Same, also you all should know i'm a vocal music nerd.

@Pickles group

I’m a sophomore going into junior

D: I thought you were gonna be a senior
So are you only auditioning your senior year?

Deleted user

I’m a sophomore going into junior

D: I thought you were gonna be a senior
So are you only auditioning your senior year?

No, I’m auditioning this year. Why do people think I’m older than what I actually am??
My school has junior and senior drum majors because of the size of our band. I’m gonna audition for the position in about three weeks or so.

Deleted user

Why do people think I’m older than what I am???

Deleted user

I’m a sophomore going into junior


no u ;D

@Pickles group

I’m a sophomore going into junior

D: I thought you were gonna be a senior
So are you only auditioning your senior year?

No, I’m auditioning this year. Why do people think I’m older than what I actually am??
My school has junior and senior drum majors because of the size of our band. I’m gonna audition for the position in about three weeks or so.

okay I was wondering cause we already had drum major auditions and it sounded like you hadn't yet

Deleted user

I’m a sophomore going into junior

D: I thought you were gonna be a senior
So are you only auditioning your senior year?

No, I’m auditioning this year. Why do people think I’m older than what I actually am??
My school has junior and senior drum majors because of the size of our band. I’m gonna audition for the position in about three weeks or so.

okay I was wondering cause we already had drum major auditions and it sounded like you hadn't yet

you’re correct, we haven’t. Our BD has been figuring out some stuff with the graduating seniors