forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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me attempting to flirt
and something about homework

or did you mean outside of notebook. you probably meant outside of notebook nvm i’m a dumb

@saor_illust school

me attempting to flirt
and something about homework

or did you mean outside of notebook. you probably meant outside of notebook nvm i’m a dumb

id like to add on to this
'nd me doing reed's hw and giving them the screenshots needed for proof
also me asking eris to do my history hw
but mostly ella attempting to flirt

@Kie group

Y'all be using pick-up lines that hint at asexuality but the minute somebody asks me out I'm just gonna hit them with the "I'm not interested in sex, sorry" and hope they don't get upset.

@Pickles group

Y'all be using pick-up lines that hint at asexuality but the minute somebody asks me out I'm just gonna hit them with the "I'm not interested in sex, sorry" and hope they don't get upset.

I'm too mean for people to flirt with me, but if they did, I'd like to throw the ace of spades at them and run away in panic

Deleted user

Im so bored, I'm willing to do anyone's homework

would you do my history homework for me?
all my braincells are officially fried from trying to remember material i learned a while ago
'nd i didn't want to do my history hw in the first place

sure. I'm game.


i want to say i'd shout "begone, THOT" but in reality i am not brave enough so i'd probably just be like sorry i'm ace and a child please leave me alone

@saor_illust school

Im so bored, I'm willing to do anyone's homework

would you do my history homework for me?
all my braincells are officially fried from trying to remember material i learned a while ago
'nd i didn't want to do my history hw in the first place

sure. I'm game.

this requires me to find the correct documents
also means i gotta involve my school email, so i'll be pming you the links instead of posting them in here


Y'all be using pick-up lines that hint at asexuality but the minute somebody asks me out I'm just gonna hit them with the "I'm not interested in sex, sorry" and hope they don't get upset.

I'm too mean for people to flirt with me, but if they did, I'd like to throw the ace of spades at them and run away in panic

I'm considering collecting a bunch of Ace of Diamonds cards, and on the back putting an explanation of demisexuality. I could hand them out like my own business card if anyone tried to flirt with me, or asked about it.

Deleted user

Hey, hey, hey, hey
the people who did my ixls I love you

@saor_illust school

Hey, hey, hey, hey
the people who did my ixls I love you

ily too aha
i put a google drive link to requested screenshots on the previous page i think

Deleted user

Hi I’d like to rant.

So today I discovered not only was I nominated for student of the month (it’s something my school does where it takes the entire student body and picks a student that has worked the hardest out of everyone in a certain theme, like this month’s, which was Digital Learning), but I also fucking won? I was nominated twice before this month, but I never won it. Especially considering it’s on Digital Learning, which I feel like I don’t do as much as other people I know. I feel like I don’t deserve the award. It’s not even in a humble way, it’s just in a truthful, people have worked harder than me these past few months way. All of the AP students who did twice the work I did just makes me feel bad that I won it.

I haven’t told any of my friends (well, there isn’t really anyone to tell; no one’s really been talking to me), nor do I plan to tell anyone.

yeah that’s it, in the least humble way, in the most angry, self-deprecating way.

Deleted user

Hey, hey, hey, hey
the people who did my ixls I love you

ily too aha
i put a google drive link to requested screenshots on the previous page i think

I submitted them and I'm hap p

Deleted user

Im so bored, I'm willing to do anyone's homework

would you do my history homework for me?
all my braincells are officially fried from trying to remember material i learned a while ago
'nd i didn't want to do my history hw in the first place

sure. I'm game.

this requires me to find the correct documents
also means i gotta involve my school email, so i'll be pming you the links instead of posting them in here

Realizing that this requires me to remember high school history.


What time period are you in?

@saor_illust school

Im so bored, I'm willing to do anyone's homework

would you do my history homework for me?
all my braincells are officially fried from trying to remember material i learned a while ago
'nd i didn't want to do my history hw in the first place

sure. I'm game.

this requires me to find the correct documents
also means i gotta involve my school email, so i'll be pming you the links instead of posting them in here

Realizing that this requires me to remember high school history.


What time period are you in?

we're uh,
heck, what did that google doc say again??
anyways, i sent you a pm with the link aha

@saor_illust school

Hey, hey, hey, hey
the people who did my ixls I love you

ily too aha
i put a google drive link to requested screenshots on the previous page i think

I submitted them and I'm hap p

yey :D
my braincells died from that tho. i didn't realise how much of that material i had forgotten, but i worked through it aha

Deleted user

lol Izzy hit me with The Justice System. I'm a tyrant. This is hilarious

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hi I’d like to rant.

So today I discovered not only was I nominated for student of the month (it’s something my school does where it takes the entire student body and picks a student that has worked the hardest out of everyone in a certain theme, like this month’s, which was Digital Learning), but I also fucking won? I was nominated twice before this month, but I never won it. Especially considering it’s on Digital Learning, which I feel like I don’t do as much as other people I know. I feel like I don’t deserve the award. It’s not even in a humble way, it’s just in a truthful, people have worked harder than me these past few months way. All of the AP students who did twice the work I did just makes me feel bad that I won it.

I haven’t told any of my friends (well, there isn’t really anyone to tell; no one’s really been talking to me), nor do I plan to tell anyone.

yeah that’s it, in the least humble way, in the most angry, self-deprecating way.

I really feel that.


I'd just like to point out that the Phantom of the Opera had a love triangle between naive sweet girl, older bad boy, and childhood best friend before it was cool

that is all

have a good day

@HighPockets group

I'd just like to point out that the Phantom of the Opera had a love triangle between naive sweet girl, older bad boy, and childhood best friend before it was cool

that is all

have a good day



I'd just like to point out that the Phantom of the Opera had a love triangle between naive sweet girl, older bad boy, and childhood best friend before it was cool

that is all

have a good day


This feels like knowledge I wasn't supposed to figure out lmao

@HighPockets group

I'd just like to point out that the Phantom of the Opera had a love triangle between naive sweet girl, older bad boy, and childhood best friend before it was cool

that is all

have a good day


This feels like knowledge I wasn't supposed to figure out lmao

Forbidden Troping


I'd just like to point out that the Phantom of the Opera had a love triangle between naive sweet girl, older bad boy, and childhood best friend before it was cool

that is all

have a good day


This feels like knowledge I wasn't supposed to figure out lmao

Forbidden Troping

But in Phantom, she goes with the childhood best friend instead of the bad boy

Plus, the OG Phantom book is way different than the Musical

Just sayin'

Deleted user

Yup, also I am the phantoms long lost love. because AGH he is just so mysterious, and I melt every time I see him in that cape AAGHGHGSHAGHDJKb hsgjfmsvfasbf

@Anemone eco

Any of you all ever just have a moment when your head is hurting so bad that you become irrational and convince yourself that slapping yourself in the head will make it better?