forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Aight, I'm gonna go watch anime
Have fun with my homework y'all.


I'll come visit y'all at mikey ds
I like the parfaits

Where in the world does McDonald's sell parfaits? I wanna go there


Not here.

We need to kidnap you and take you to a McDonalds that does

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Thanks man. Same to you. Also, dude you have the same plan as me lmao. Good luck on your final quarter.)

(What are you looking at for your final degree?)

(I was hoping after I get my Associates, I could transfer to a Uni and get my Bachelors. If I had the willingness, money, and time, I might push it into eventually getting a Masters, but idk. And you?)

(I'll have my Associates in Arts and Science in a month or two. Then I'm going for a Bachelors in Cinematography, preferably with the first half of my time being general film studies and the second half concentration directly on my major.)

Deleted user

Flirting with girls over Instagram is the only thing keeping me sane right now

Deleted user

Aight, I'm gonna go watch anime
Have fun with my homework y'all.

don't leave :((

@Kie group

Flirting with girls over Instagram is the only thing keeping me sane right now

That sentence read like a punch to the face because it's true

Deleted user

Flirting with girls over Instagram is the only thing keeping me sane right now

can I join I need sane

I wish I could see you flirting with girls but I can't


(Thanks man. Same to you. Also, dude you have the same plan as me lmao. Good luck on your final quarter.)

(What are you looking at for your final degree?)

(I was hoping after I get my Associates, I could transfer to a Uni and get my Bachelors. If I had the willingness, money, and time, I might push it into eventually getting a Masters, but idk. And you?)

(I'll have my Associates in Arts and Science in a month or two. Then I'm going for a Bachelors in Cinematography, preferably with the first half of my time being general film studies and the second half concentration directly on my major.)

(Awesome! I forgot to specify that my degrees would all be English Degrees, because I'm basic and I want to turn my passion into a fulfilling job.)

@Pickles group

Flirting with girls over Instagram is the only thing keeping me sane right now

can I join I need sane

I wish I could see you flirting with girls but I can't

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Thanks man. Same to you. Also, dude you have the same plan as me lmao. Good luck on your final quarter.)

(What are you looking at for your final degree?)

(I was hoping after I get my Associates, I could transfer to a Uni and get my Bachelors. If I had the willingness, money, and time, I might push it into eventually getting a Masters, but idk. And you?)

(I'll have my Associates in Arts and Science in a month or two. Then I'm going for a Bachelors in Cinematography, preferably with the first half of my time being general film studies and the second half concentration directly on my major.)

(Awesome! I forgot to specify that my degrees would all be English Degrees, because I'm basic and I want to turn my passion into a fulfilling job.)

(I sort of considered it, but the market is so rough and uncreative. I decided I was going to do the best I could do while still sticking to generally only writing what I want to.)

@Pickles group

“hey there stunning, are you a puppy? cause you’re cute, your hair is super floofy and i want to hug you”



Or more realistically, “Your face is so aesthetically pleasing can I add it to my collection for drawing purposes I swear I’m not a creep”

Deleted user

you must be hot chocolate, and I must be marshmallows
because you're hot and I want to be on top of you


you must be hot chocolate and i must be marshmallows cause you look really cozy and sweet, make me absolutely m e l t, and I’d love to cuddle up next to you with some fuzzy blankets and just watch vine compilations until sadness is no more

@Pickles group

you must be hot chocolate and i must be marshmallows cause you look really cozy and sweet, make me absolutely m e l t, and I’d love to cuddle up next to you with some fuzzy blankets and just watch vine compilations until sadness is no more

But only the marshmallows that come in the hot chocolate mix melt. The normal ones don't. At least they shouldn't be melting


Are you a firework? Because you're breathtakingly beautiful but I don't want you anywhere near my genitals

My mitosis button is on the fritz, wanna be my duplicate for a while and keep me company so I can watch Netflix without the crippling lonliness that comes from binge watching an entire series in my own?
I have popcorn.

I can see you and I one day adopting cats together.

I don’t wanna brag, but I do it with passion and I do it a lot. Bake cakes, that is.

I like people like I like my coffee. Super hot but nowhere close to my crotch

Those are the first 5 I found

@saor_illust school

Im so bored, I'm willing to do anyone's homework

would you do my history homework for me?
all my braincells are officially fried from trying to remember material i learned a while ago
'nd i didn't want to do my history hw in the first place

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Are you a firework? Because you're breathtakingly beautiful but I don't want you anywhere near my genitals

I like people like I like my coffee. Super hot but nowhere close to my crotch

Ella these 2 are pure gold