forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Most of my beanie babies I got from my grandma, but Chip and one of my Whispers I rescued
I found Chip at school, lacking every facial feature(I still gotta find replacements for those)
And I found Whisper at a summer camp, somebody left her behind

@Kie group

I still have stuffed animals because if it slightly resembles an animal and isn't going to kill me I feel bad about giving it away.


I just texted my beanie baby collector friend- he said he has over 1000. There are duplicates, but they're worth a good amount since they have manufacturing errors lol.

@Kie group

I just texted my beanie baby collector friend- he said he has over 1000. There are duplicates, but they're worth a good amount since they have manufacturing errors lol.

Tell your friend I said hi and that he should expect a visitor soon


I just texted my beanie baby collector friend- he said he has over 1000. There are duplicates, but they're worth a good amount since they have manufacturing errors lol.

Tell your friend I said hi and that he should expect a visitor soon


@Kie group

Why is there like a sudden influx of bots on the site? I know they've been around but they seem to be moving into other sections of the forums?


I should probably get up and do something… I have five things I need to really do today, and showering is one of them, so maybe I should go do that first. Then I'll cut my hair when it's wet. Then I need to vacuum and take down these weird posters to make space. And then put my clothes away.

Really it's not that much to do, but the effort to get out of bed is fucking exhausting today and I'm not sure why.

@Pickles group

I took a shower today for the first time in a while (yes I know it's disgusting, but my tub was gross until I half-heartedly cleaned it the other day, and I'm not leaving the house) because we're doing a video chat spring band awards tonight. It felt great and the conditioner for my hair dye smells like my uncle's ex-wife. Which sounds strange but I love her and it's very nice.
I'm trying to draw but it's not going great. It looks mostly fine, just not the way I intended. I doodled in my bullet journal, which I haven't used all month, so that's good.
We should be finding out our marching band show today and I'm hella excited.
This has been an incoherent babble by Pickles. Thanks for tuning in.


We should be finding out our marching band show today and I'm hella excited.

I've never been in marching band, but my sister was and I always loved finding out about the shows. My parents and I went to like, everyone of her competitions, so I'd have to watch our school's show over and over again. My favorite one was a "teenager" themed one, where they played Welcome to the Black Parade and Teenagers by MCR and Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fallout Boy. The show was really well choreographed. I always loved the competitions, because it's like this whole society of music and performing art, different schools representing different aesthetical shows, the percussion pits swapping out with perfect timing, the marchers making their way to the feild, the drum majors overlooking everything all crowned with their tall plumes. Everything has order and grace to it. And my God the music! Marching band is really underrated.

Deleted user

My head is covered in coffee grounds and conditioner, how are you all doing?

@Pickles group

We should be finding out our marching band show today and I'm hella excited.

I've never been in marching band, but my sister was and I always loved finding out about the shows. My parents and I went to like, everyone of her competitions, so I'd have to watch our school's show over and over again. My favorite one was a "teenager" themed one, where they played Welcome to the Black Parade and Teenagers by MCR and Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fallout Boy. The show was really well choreographed. I always loved the competitions, because it's like this whole society of music and performing art, different schools representing different aesthetical shows, the percussion pits swapping out with perfect timing, the marchers making their way to the feild, the drum majors overlooking everything all crowned with their tall plumes. Everything has order and grace to it. And my God the music! Marching band is really underrated.

Two years ago we did gen z and it was awful. We dabbed three times in the first few minutes. Theirs sounds much more put together than ours was, though. Our drill writer sucked too, but we got rid of him and our assistant director (the one who does most of the marching stuff) quit, so this last season's was Edgar and it was amazing. The same person who came up with that one supposedly came up with this year's. I'm excited
Yeah, competitions have always been my favorite part. My sister hates them, but she's doing guard this year so she'll complain less

Deleted user

Uhm I'm going to end it with me and Nia… I don't feel as attached as I used to and they're not healthy for me.


On Marching Band: last year (when I still lived in Alaska) my high school had the only marching band in the entire state. The only one. They got best in state every year lmaoo