forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Me: having a smoke grand time outside behind my apartment building, singing–of all things–Defying Gravity
My Neighbors: come around the corner with their children. One of the little girls squeals as soon as she sees me and runs to hug my leg.
Me: immediately puts out cig Uh……hi?
Neighbor Mom: Oh you're the one who comes out here to sing. My daughter loves it. She says you're a princess.
Me: in full punk gear. tats. piercings. literally just smoking. Right.
NM: It's really great you know. Kind of a fun thing to do in quarantine.
Child: SING
Me: Can you please stop touching me?

This is great, and it's a real pity that you can't deal with children. But I want a sample of your singing voice already. You tease us by telling of this beauty without giving a taste. Plus I did it already. Though I might do a better one in the future.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

That awkward moment when people love the first chapter of your fanfic and are looking forward to it and you have zero clue where you're going with it

I want to read.

You won't understand anything, though.

Deleted user

I got my schedule for next year

I'm scared to look

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Basically it’s so deep that when I wake up in the morning, you can barely hear me speaking, that’s cool and a [TOTALLY AWESOME] addition to that. Any other time of the day my voice will sound as if I’m trying to rip something from my throat and I sound as if I am the embodiment of Corona, but that thing is my vocal chords. Also whenever I sing anything it’s always in a different range every day because, haha, voice.

Bruh, I feel. But I would advise that every morning you find a song you can use at an exercise (that's in your lower range). I've been doing it for a year(?) and I can now get my voice to a decent working position in an hour or two.


why am i so stressed out! it's not going to help

Calm. You can probably handle it. Deep breaths. And listen to Weightless by Macaroni Union.

What the feck, I literally just listened to that because I saw someone else on the internet recommended it. What are the odds?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I want a semicolon on my wrist,

Nathaniel has that! But not because he's depressed. He has punctuation on both arms. Like, a period on his left, to remind him that all things end, and a semicolon on his right, to remind him that we can still choose our own destiny.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

oh my gosh you're right
Okay but I'm talking tiny. Like half an inch max also that way its easier to cover up if I choose not to come out to my parents

I mean, a bicep tat would be easy to hide.

@HighPockets group

Worm Dom legit feels like a search-and-find puzzle, the more I look at it, the more I see lol
The fax and logic shirt, the straight pride flag, and the crossed-out hammer and sickle just about killed me lmfao

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I've considered getting a little Arabic letter, maybe on my ankle or shoulder. It's the first letter for the word "Christian" in the language. Terror groups will spray it on Christian households, marking them as infidels. If you're marked, it's basically a death sentence, meaning get out or get murdered. Kind of a solidarity thing for my fam in the middle east, proudly marking myself.

The Nûn! I approve!


I've considered getting a little Arabic letter, maybe on my ankle or shoulder. It's the first letter for the word "Christian" in the language. Terror groups will spray it on Christian households, marking them as infidels. If you're marked, it's basically a death sentence, meaning get out or get murdered. Kind of a solidarity thing for my fam in the middle east, proudly marking myself.

The Nûn! I approve!


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

why am i so stressed out! it's not going to help

Calm. You can probably handle it. Deep breaths. And listen to Weightless by Macaroni Union.

What the feck, I literally just listened to that because I saw someone else on the internet recommended it. What are the odds?

Did it work?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Worm Dom legit feels like a search-and-find puzzle, the more I look at it, the more I see lol
The fax and logic shirt, the straight pride flag, and the crossed-out hammer and sickle just about killed me lmfao

Ngl, I'm proud that I took it all in in less than two seconds.