forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Yes, well apparently i'm "better than that" and "Too smart for C's" like fuck you, just because I can do geometry and algebra without a problem doesn't mean I can get straight A's in Chemistry too

Deleted user

dude what the fresh fucking hell

You know what, that gives us more time

you’ll get that fucking A

@HighPockets group

Ughhhh that's such a toxic mindset
Just because you're good in some classes doesn't mean you'll be good at all of them, fish and trees and whatnot.


I mean I don't know my grade yet

and like i said, I'm actually kinda hopeful about the final, and I did good about turning in homework?? idk if i did well but i turned it in, that's gotta count for something??


But thanks Emi, if I do have to redo it I'ma need the help :')


Ughhhh that's such a toxic mindset
Just because you're good in some classes doesn't mean you'll be good at all of them, fish and trees and whatnot.

They did this last school year, too. Like I was literally burned out by christmas because i had been working so hard to make sure my grades were good (had all A's except for one B) and they gave me shit about the B?? Like my classmates were mostly all B's and you're gonna give me shit for having one?? I just…
I love my parents but I also hate them sometimes


Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

@HighPockets group

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

@Pickles group

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

@Pickles group

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

Lmao we legitimately said the same thing. I had to check

@HighPockets group

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

Great minds think alike lmao

Deleted user

ugh that 100% reminds me of Nate’s parents. They’re absolutely lovely people but they push him way too hard.

I actually know too many people whose parents are like that. They push their children too far and relapse them into working waaaaay too hard, then they suffer through a burnout.

Ofc it doesn’t happen with everyone but I mean

fuck dude

It happens a lot

@Pickles group

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

Great minds think alike lmao

And fools rarely differ, but I'm sure that's irrelevant

Deleted user

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

w o r m

@HighPockets group

Wow, the whiplash I get reading my username and seeing my profile picture is really something else.

What even is your profile pic, Jynnie??

w o r m

Great minds think alike lmao

And fools rarely differ, but I'm sure that's irrelevant

We're all fools here.

Deleted user

I want to join your culture of worm on a string >.>

t o o
b a d