forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Mojack group

I remember when my mom told me before they had me or my sister she and my dad used to drive to Sudbury (3 hour drive) JUST to go to costco because our town didn't (and still doesnt) have one

I agree though, Costco is the best and I love when I get to stop by it whenever I go on trips

Deleted user

I've never been to a Costco.

we're taking you

on sample day

Deleted user

scratch that–Im taking all of you to the Costco here in WA because it's the biggest most amazing costco (also the first one ever opened. fun fact) ever. They still use it as the flagship store so it has stuff you cant get at other costcos.

@Moxie group

scratch that–Im taking all of you to the Costco here in WA because it's the biggest most amazing costco (also the first one ever opened. fun fact) ever. They still use it as the flagship store so it has stuff you cant get at other costcos.

Please take me to that Costco

@Kie group

I think my mom used to have a Costco card but I've still never been in one. Partly because I hate shopping trips but also because I never knew Costco existed until recently.

Deleted user

I just remembered y'all don't have Wegmans

this hurts to think about

@HighPockets group

Costco is a bulk store that you need a membership to get in to, and they have hella good samples. Idk about Wegman's though. I have a Woodman's, are those similar?

@Kie group

I'm literally so dumb. I'm listening to music and Sweater Weather came on and I gasped very loudly.


So for those of you who remember my Chemistry upset yesterday


I was talking with my parents and I got told this gem: if it's a C (which is fucking average!!) then I have to retake it. And not next year, no. this goddamn fucking summer

fuck this shit